I am very careful with my language on that account, as I am very slim, and always have been, and can eat pretty much any quantity of anything! However I fully appreciate and totally respect any severely overweight person trying to do something about it.
I have seen an very overweight lady around where I work over the past year out jogging on and off. She started with nothing more than an uncomfortable amble that vaguely looked like an attempt to jog, she got better and turned it into a slow jog. Over time I could see here losing weight slowly, and becoming more fluid and able. She actually looked happier too. The last time I saw her she was cracking along at a good pace, and still steadily trying. She was doing this by herself as well, no personal trainer or anyone egging her on. It struck me that she was quite probably making a massive change in her life, after what might have been a life-long struggle with weight. I have nothing but complete admiration for her, and others doing the same.
I would love to lose a bit of weight but driving for a living a love of beer, nibbles and sugar in my Tea isn't doing me any favours.