the skinny on kegging

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Jan 28, 2013
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The better half has admitted that as much as she loves my homebrew, she prefers cask beer to bottled... So was asking about kegging.
As I have no experience or knowledge on this I thought I'd come to the source and are for help.

I have looked into the whole corny idea and it looks quite expensive to me to set it up, also we don't drink that much so I worry the beer wouldn't last like it does in a bottle. Also, I don't have a beer fridge so wouldn't be able to chill the corny.

I've also seen some mini keg ideas in slime of the shop websites so wondering if that would be a better idea for us?
Any thoughts and help would be appreciated.
cornys do last as long as bottles i hear and well worth it long run, also im getting good results with my budget barrels (think u get smal ones aswell, beers lasting reasonably well these past few months, not experimented with the minikegs but they look like a bit of a pain tbh

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