Phew...So you've mashed and soured, with no boil or hops with this beer. Any plans post fermentation or are you leaving it as is?
Don't know about the krausen, but for the water I would go for low sulphate, moderate alkalinity. As for the hops, how well aged are they? JZ's lambic recipe calls for 80g, but they'd need to be well aged at that amount.
18 hours and there's a slight drop and some definite visible activity, quite a lot of foam forming on the surface.
Yeah it seems to be going well, even some krausen this morning. I expected a longer lag time.
Hmm, sick smell sounds like butyric acid, did you pre-sour the wort?
There's a lot going on there, looks great :thumba:Finally made the Flanders Red. I added some spraymalt to hit my OG of 1048. Smack pack is swollen and ready to go. Next thing is to wait 18 months
2kg red x
500g bohemian pilsner
500g rye
500g munich
300g carared
300g special w
300g un malted wheat
300g flaked wheat
200g extra light spraymalt