The Hard Shoulder.

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I once saw a cyclist on the hard shoulder of the M6 around junction 34 he was peddling South on a nice summer afternoon, I wonder how far he got. :laugh8:
You’re being rather generous in saying you hit them, sounds pretty clear that they hit you. Idiocy punches up and well as down, the only accident I’ve ever had on my bike was the fault of a pedestrian and of the three genuinely near misses I’ve had with cars, two of them were my fault.

We can all make mistakes (me included) but if you're on a bike you always come off worst in accidents with a car, regardless of who's fault it was.
I've been relatively lucky on that score. I went over the bonnet of a taxi in Birmingham that pulled out right in front of me about 10 years ago but was unhurt and I rear ended two cars in exactly the same place on an island on the A1 near Newcastle a week apart in about 1991. There was a blind spot and I followed both up the approach to the island only to have then slam the breaks on as they saw a car coming from the right. Both were low speed but I changed the way I approached that island in future.
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Thumpers belief that cyclists are regularly hospitalising pedestrians

I don't know why you're getting so defensive about this. At no point have I ever suggested that cyclists are regularly hospitalising pedestrians. I am merely sick of idiotic cyclists who believe traffic laws don't apply to them. They exist, we all know they do. I got clipped by one on Thursday morning on my way to work (who then tried to have a go at me, the cheeky bastard). If that's not you then you've nothing to get defensive about.
My mate got halfway from here to Sheffield on the hard shoulder of the M1 on a pushbike before the bobbies stopped him. And I can report that no cyclists were killed or injured on my journey to work in the car yesterday.... I preceded them by about 30 minutes.
The thread was originally about not sitting in your car on the hard shoulder if you break down not about which vehicles kill the most people.
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