I once saw a cyclist on the hard shoulder of the M6 around junction 34 he was peddling South on a nice summer afternoon, I wonder how far he got.
This is the Snug did you expect it to end any other way?
that the problem with stats, they dont always tell you the whole picture.
88.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot.It's been said, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics."
Now there's a statistic I believe.88.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Vic Reeves
You’re being rather generous in saying you hit them, sounds pretty clear that they hit you. Idiocy punches up and well as down, the only accident I’ve ever had on my bike was the fault of a pedestrian and of the three genuinely near misses I’ve had with cars, two of them were my fault.
Thumpers belief that cyclists are regularly hospitalising pedestrians