I often stop to take a leak on the hard shoulder. What else am I supposed to do - wet myself?
You'll do a lot more than just wet yourself if you get hit by something like what hit the car in the first post.
I often stop to take a leak on the hard shoulder. What else am I supposed to do - wet myself?
Lol! I don't care what it 'is', and I'm allergic to service station toilets.
I often stop to take a leak on the hard shoulder. What else am I supposed to do - wet myself?
Funny how everyone else managesBlah blah... do you lot walk around with ethereal circles of light floating above your heads or summat? Civilised human beings are the minority in motorway service stations - that's why I avoid them.... gawd knows what lurks in the toilets. And planning a motorway trip is laughable; what should have been a two-hour motorbike blast to the seaside on Saturday gone, turned out to be closer to four hours cos of delays due to roadworks or summat. Maybe I should just buy a catheter + bag huh?
I broke down recently and was told to stay in the car by my break down service... I ignored them..
As a regular cyclist can I point out that (statistically) more people were killed by cars* before breakfast this morning than were killed by cyclists in a year.
The automated message when you call in to a breakdown company explains that you should exit the vehicle on passenger if safe to do so and wait away from the vehicle.
Lots of people ignore this and sit inside. Weather dependent I guess.
Is there away I block what gunge posts ,?
Is there away I block what gunge posts ,?
If I break down on the motorbike I don't have the luxury of being able to stay inside. But if an artic is bearing down on me whilst I take a squirt, I can always dive over the fence outta the way. My crash helmet and impenetrable leatherware will come in handy in such an event. As for blocking posts, Chippy's yer man.
I'd be far more interested in knowing how many times cyclists collide with pedestrians over an average year, as opposed to car drivers.
Hardly surprising given the relative weight and velocity of a bike compared to a car. I'd be far more interested in knowing how many times cyclists collide with pedestrians over an average year, as opposed to car drivers.
I do try not to indulge in that favourite habit of the British motorist and demonise cyclists, but living in London I am constantly amazed at the number of cyclists who seem to think that traffic lights don't apply to them. Combine that with the fact that pedestrians tend not to look for bikes when stepping out into the road, and I'm willing to bet the number is quite high.
You certainly wouldn't want to be run over by myquls machine...I heard it's made of cast iron salvaged from a victorian diving bell he found whilst mud larking on the banks of the Thames...
I think a lot of undertaking is caused by the frustration of middle lane hogging which i find one of the most infuriating habits we see on our motorways the police are supposed to be clamping down on it but with so few police on the roads and so many inconsiderate drivers its not going to stop any time soon.
Glass houses and all that.
Running a traffic light with a car is simply a major offense while with a bicycle it is not.