I must confess I do use dry a lot of the time
however when it comes to specific styles I do feel liquid just gives you a better result, Brisish pale ales/ bitters in particular. Using a west yorkshire or a particular fav of mine is London Ale III. I don't believe I can achieve anywhere near the same results with any dry yeast, in my opinion anyway. I would probably use a liquid for a weiss or belgian in most cases too although I have had a few decent dry strains.
however when it comes to specific styles I do feel liquid just gives you a better result, Brisish pale ales/ bitters in particular. Using a west yorkshire or a particular fav of mine is London Ale III. I don't believe I can achieve anywhere near the same results with any dry yeast, in my opinion anyway. I would probably use a liquid for a weiss or belgian in most cases too although I have had a few decent dry strains.