Well have been busy busy again, out visiting as many pubs as i can to spread the "Gospel of The Cheshire Brewhouse"
I met up with quite a few members last weekend at the Hot Break, great weekend I really enjoyed it :thumb: here's to next year.
Sales are not as healthy as I would like, and its much more difficult getting beer to market than making it, there is just that much good beer out there at the moment, but the good thing is where I have sold beer so far they want more
Engine Vein my 4.2% copper bitter is going down very well as has the Cheshire Gap 3.7% and I am going to get a Batch of DBA 4.6% out this week, & I am thinking 3 beers is enough to be going on with to start, but do plan to have a stout or porter available when the colder months come in.
I am supposed to be having a few days break in north wales, but have already been back to the brewery twice, & have built a blog and done a large website update, whilst in the caravan, (I get bored easily).
Thanks for all the support I have received from the forum so far, & if you see our beer anywhere give it a go and feedback.