My London bitter has been at 4C for 4 days now so time to transfer to my King Keg. I probably don’t need to but now I’ve got the bits, I’m going to practice my “closed transfer” process, so after sanitising the keg and all the tubes and connectors with chemsan I partially filled the keg with tap water and did a quick leak test only to discover….I had a leak!

. Self inflicted. I changed the plumbing on the pressure gauge and hadn’t checked it. Soon fixed and keg filled with tap water to the brim and the top fitted. The syphon tube was likewise filled with tap water and connected to the beer out connector while a brewloon of fermentation gas was fitted to the gas connector. Syphon tube tap opened and the water began to empty from the keg drawing gas in from the brewloon. This is a pic 5 minutes in…
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…first brewloon empty…
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..second brewloon connected…
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…(almost) all the water has drained from the keg..
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With the KK full of gas the priming solution was made using half a pint of water and 4 ounces of white sugar, brought to the boil and cooled. I added the priming solution to the fermentation bucket (FB) through the transfer pipe that is connected to the FB tap. Having done that the transfer pipe is connected to the beer connector on the keg and the return gas line (to the FB) is connected to the gas connector. The FB tap opened and the primed beer flows into the KK and the gas vents back to the FB…
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..a reassuring glance through the lid to see the beer flowing…
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..Popped out to B&Q to buy some paint for the bedroom and when I got back, about half an hour later, all was done…
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As it’s getting close to Christmas, I thought I’d bottle 6 bottles for a couple of mates so out came the bottling wand etc. This is my set up….
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I connect my CO2 cylinder to the keg and run it at around 3 psi to provide enough pressure to feed the wand. I fill to the brim with the wand in then squidge the bottle to get the beer level with the brim before fitting the cap.
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Tis a bit of a messy job (is it me?) so all the bottles get a wipe down before going in the brew fridge with the KK for a couple of weeks to carbonate.
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Six squidged bottles of London bitter