The building of MD's Wraith Brewery

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I've been busy today! :grin: Painted the trolley, Started laying things out! Silver urn in Middle will be Herm's Exchanger


When not in use the back is a bar!


Boiler Hop strainer I know there's not enought holes I bust my only drill bit :evil:


Completed IC


Mash Tun Strainer


Sparge arm will be fixed (not spinning) but is height adjustable as not to drill holes into grain bed.

I suppose I'll have to tell the wife soon !! She knows I got two buckets as for the rest, I'm going to have to get the puppy dog eye's working.
muddydisco said:
I suppose I'll have to tell the wife soon !! She knows I got two buckets as for the rest, I'm going to have to get the puppy dog eye's working.


Oh C*ap! Oh C*ap! Oh C*ap! I seem to have a fully built working Brewery! That mean's I need ingredients and the total immersion into the dark forces of AG!

HLT loss - 500ml
Mash Tun loss - 50ml ! Yes 50ml!! Norms pump sucks!! As in the whole lot gets pumped!!
Piping/Pump loss - 500ml
Boiler Loss - 1.4ltr

Total loss on system is 2.45ltr. Not bad I thought? Is that good?

Anyways Welcome to the Wraith Brewery!




Well done that man :clap:
Very good work :thumb:
Can I ask what you have used as shrouds to cover the element leads ?

It's a lenght of 50mm pond plumbing pipe I had left over. Cut down the length so It will shrink to fit the back of the element siliconed and cable tied to the back of the element and cable tied the wire and the open end together. Simples.
Just need to get some electric built into the trolley having done a test boil it needs de-cluttering thought of making a ring main to go onto the trolley with sockets etc. Using a spare breaker off my consumer unit with two spurs running off it and two plugs on the trolley making a ring main. Less strain on the garage ring main and tidy wiring!
I will work at the herms once I have popped my cherry. Pids and SSR's from the US etc..
muddydisco said:
Just need to get some electric built into the trolley having done a test boil it needs de-cluttering thought of making a ring main to go onto the trolley with sockets etc. Using a spare breaker off my consumer unit with two spurs running off it and two plugs on the trolley making a ring main. Less strain on the garage ring main and tidy wiring!
I will work at the herms once I have popped my cherry. Pids and SSR's from the US etc..
:hmm: Procrastination :nono: :lol:
muddydisco said:
Oh C*ap! Oh C*ap! Oh C*ap! I seem to have a fully built working Brewery!
Get brewing and worry about the fine details later :party:
muddydisco said:
I will work at the herms once I have popped my cherry. Pids and SSR's from the US etc..

Just been looking at those myself. It's not so attractive now with the current exchange rate. Ebay is the better bet.
Well I have 2 brews under my belt now with this set up, Now to change it!!
I dont like jugging the first runnings back into the mash, so to save time I'm making my Herms piping and heat exchanger.
Decided not to go with the burco boiler as it's capacity is quite large, So I'm going down the Asparagus kettle route, Cheers Vossy for your thread :thumb: Have found some cheaper on flebay so it is on order! along with backer element, pipe insulation, more copper for the coil sorry can't go SS yet! 2 Pids on order as well, one for HLT the other for the Herms, figured the sensor will go in the piping just before it returns to the mash, But I'm stuck on how to get the sensor into the HLT, How have you guys done it? All the thermowells and compression fittings are stupid NPT/BSP threads :evil: For gods sake were in the 20th century go bloody metric :twisted:
Anyways porn pictures to follow as I progress.....