The Big Bang Brewing Co - A Brewery Build

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Nice! If you don't mind me asking, where did the hop filter come from? I take it it is bespoke! :thumb: :thumb:


leedsbrew said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Nice! If you don't mind me asking, where did the hop filter come from? I take it it is bespoke! :thumb: :thumb:



Wellllllll......seeing as I had to buy in lengths of 1m and 3m for the stainless perf and stainless might be worth watching this space as I wouldn't like to waste it ;) ....I would like to prove their design first though in practice before making any more for others. Or do you mean the hopback filter? (rather than the perf pipe hop filter).
BarnsleyBrewer said:
Looks great, are you ready for the maiden brew soon?


Yours looks pretty tidy too, have been watching your build and a few others with interest.

Any suggestions for a maiden brew.... :?:

Almost, depends on how many balls up's I have...already have a major one having ordered the wrong PIDs meaning I have no temp if I do the maiden brew soon then I could do it without the RIMS in place. Although I can recirc and turn the element on manually if need be and measure the mash temp manually.

It wouldn't matter if I land up in **** creek anyhow..... (ask why?)
homers brew said:
leedsbrew said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Nice! If you don't mind me asking, where did the hop filter come from? I take it it is bespoke! :thumb: :thumb:



Wellllllll......seeing as I had to buy in lengths of 1m and 3m for the stainless perf and stainless might be worth watching this space as I wouldn't like to waste it ;) ....I would like to prove their design first though in practice before making any more for others. Or do you mean the hopback filter? (rather than the perf pipe hop filter).

sweet! They do look the dog's d1ck!

I shall wait like the cat with cheese in his mouth!

highwayman said:
homers brew said:
Any suggestions for a maiden brew :whistle:
H..Go for the xmas forum Brew..
Most of the Ingredients are there..You chose the others..but keep it a surprise ;)

Yep, I may do that. Need some guinea pigs to test the beer on the new rig. :lol: Only kidding.

I am not sure I have challenger, in fact I can't remember what hops I have as it's been so long since I brewed.

Nobody's asked about why it don't matter if end up in **** creek yet..
It happened, but no pics as it was an absolute catalogue of disasters, so didn't have the time, patience or inclination this time. The crazy news is I will be attempting it again next week, with the intention of stocking up for Christmas, so will try to have the camera then.

Made good beer but was hard work, rebuilding equipment whilst brewing, missed temps, if it had a joint it leaked, the gods were against me yesterday it seems. Spent half the time waiting for things to reach temperature and the other half with a spanner or gas pliers and PTFE. Tidied up around midnight having started around 11am.

Anyway, mashed 18 Kg of grain and hit -3 points off gravity at slightly more quantity than I was after so if I had stopped sparging at quantity I aimed for then would of been about right. Target efficiency of 85%, so good there, and I got 110ish litres at 1043 fermenting away at a seemingly steady 17 degrees (I managed to get it in the house, well the annex of the house which is a bit colder than the house as it is unheated, but not too different - and better than the garage).

Sparging arm not great, will have to rethink that one. Hop filter worked great though as did plate chiller when I found the right fittings. Mashed at 65 dropping to 62 over the two and a half hours it took for the sparge water to heat up to 85ish - slightly hotter than I normally do to compensate a bit for the drop in mash temp.

The burner doesn't seem quick enough, either that or I am doing something wrong, it is an 8Kw one from hamilton running on a 37mBar regulator. I put some bits of wood around the base to sheild from the (very light) wind. It is set to fully open air intake and the gas valve is fully open, producing a blue-ish flame with the bottom of the tun around the top of the flame,adjusted with scraps of wood.
The first & second brew on mine was a mare too, It gets easier.
& I will say an 8kw gas burner takes forever to heat the brew, my last brew took 2hours to get to boil outside :shock: .
So for me I am either going to get the copper shielded as per Alemans set-up, or get some big electric elements fitted so i can brew in the garage, I am just not sure which one is more cost effective at the mo, As i will need to run a separate feed into the garage to do it.

Get some help on the next brew day, we want some photos.


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