T.bag thief at work...

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Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
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In a cupboard high up, hope it breaks their fecking fingers....
Pig sick of it, milk, butter, sugar and now my kin tea bags....... :-(

Tha does reyt. I had it once in a shared house - used to come back late on a Sunday from a weekend climbing in N Wales etc and the last hour of the journey was about looking forward to whatever I had in the cupboard that week..... until I got home to find it nicked, and all my cutlery and crockery and pans in a foul mess in a sink full of cold dirty water..... Dirty c*nts.
Underground said:
all my cutlery and crockery and pans in a foul mess in a sink full of cold dirty water..... Dirty c*nts.
Same at work, young'ns are the worst, don't know how to wash a plate... :twisted:

our company provides tea/coffee/sugar and 2 pints of milk a day, the milk always runs out so i use to keep a 2 pinter for myself in the fridge untill i saw someone pour themselves a pint of milk out of it, now i have 2 pots of coffee mate in the cupboard, one with a nice black dot n the bottom loaded with ground up pro plus and laxative on a lower shelf and the one i actually use on a top shelf...

i have had 2 people with it so far
Had a milk thief in a student house for a year..... fixed the problem after lacing the milk with laxative :)

Glad there were two toilets :sick:

Fingers crossed you catch 'em!
Someone in our office put a spycam in the kitchen to catch the milk thief.

Unbelievable that people would steal from their own colleagues!
there used to be an pH indicator you could buy over the counter in chemists called Phenolphalein (sp?)

its nickname in university was the elephant laxative for obvious reasons, but as an indicator it is colourless in anything less than about pH 10 (pretty strong alkoline)

a couple of drops in a cup of tea had terrifying sideffects and as it is mildly sweet, very hard to pick out in a cup of tea! easy to mix with milk before hand as well...

the other thing we used to do is mix iodine crystals with amonia until you get a paste. very stable, but when it dries out... creat crack abs puff of purple smoke. If you have seen the old episodes of Brainiac with Richard Hammond, there was a bloke that used to use it as a practicle joke.

anyway, a couple of booby trapped items in my fridge or cupboards at uni soon put of other ppl helping them selves!
uummmm - is trying to poison or physically harm a colleague any better than pinching the odd teabag or squirt of milk?

Just wondering..........
I was thinking exactly the same. It only takes one person to have a very bad reaction to one of the "additives" and you could be (worst case scenario) up for manslaughter. Personally I'd rather put up with the milk pilfering.
Zedilly said:
It only takes one person to have a very bad reaction to one of the "additives" and you could be (worst case scenario) up for manslaughter.

Only if you ever tell anyone :twisted:

Anyway, it's interesting that the law seems to give protection to the thieves - if they didn't STEAL the laxative-laden milk, they'd never have had the problem :evil:
I give my housemates one day to wash up before I throw their pans away, hasn't stopped them mind you, useless arseholes. - Extreme but you want to see our kitchen at the start of the year.
They daren't go near my cookware because they know it's all out war if they do.

Some people are just dragged up I swear, it's like I say, we're students, not crackheads, keep the frigging kitchen tidy.

Never had food nicked mind you. I don't think they know how to prepare a meal from fresh ingredients.
And I drink 1% milk which no one else likes, so all is well :twisted:
I had a mate who had a visitor staying for 2-3 weeks who was eating them out of house and home. They thought he must have worms as he was a thin as a rake, so they put dog worming tablet in his food :lol: :lol:
I once caught some drinking my milk from the bottle. My biggest bugbear, and IL sound childish by saying this, is taking the lid off my chocolate spread only to find some dirty F****r has had there finger in it. :evil:
If you don't want to do the age old laxative trick, and don't mind drinking odd coloured milk/tea add a few drops of food colouring to your milk, it normally puts people off nicking milk if it is green :grin:
Just write 'soya milk' on your milk carton. No one will touch it!
I love the Mouse trap! :rofl:

I also have my own brew kit (non-alcoholic) ransacked every week at work.
I don't mind sharing, but when you work shifts only to find an empty coffee jar and no milk...
Man that pisses me off!

I don't know about using laxative? I would probably end up drinking it myself :shock:
There's the age old trick among chemists, if you add a little methylene blue to something it'll turn the persons **** bright blue.
I should know, I fell victim to this prank.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't pinching food, I was staying at a mates house, she made me some cereal in the morning.
Later on that day I get a text from her "if your **** is blue don't worry, it's harmless, my housemate was trying to find out who was stealing her milk"

I have to say, it was really rather far out seeing a blue stream.

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