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Pour from the tap. I did think that the amount of air may spoil it but the same concept applies with beer in a keg and thats ok if airtight... what do u think?
I am only tyre kicking here but the only problem I can see is air will enter as you pour, this could ruin your wine, don't beer brewers add CO2 to their barrels?
"If" you are doing all the fermenting and clearing in the tank, allowing it to get to equal pressure and then dispensing wine from it without any racking it might be ok if used up reasonably quickly, the co2 in the tank will sit between the wine and the air you will need to allow in to dispense, how effective and for how long that co2 cushion will be is up for debate. It's not something i would try because of the possible spoilage, the fact the wine will be sitting on the trub for quite a while and the issue of a fermenter being out of use for a while. If you don't mind those things you can try it, one other option if you have a co2 tank is to use it to force the wine out but not at a high enough pressure to force carbonate it, this would require regulators and the proper connections being installed.
Thanks guys. I might try racking it but adding a little extra sugar for secondary fermentation in the the second vessel. Will let you know how it works out!
Well i'm finally drinking my first wows.
Mine is a rgd, apple and rhubarb + half apple and i have to admit to being very pleased with and perfectly quaffable as an alternative to a cheapish white.
The wifes is 2 apple and raspberry and a purple grape. Also quite reasonable but to much like a rose for me.
Both are about 4 weeks old, having been racked a week ago after naturally finishing at 0.992 and finned a couple of days ago.
Jobs a good un, i'm now on <£1/bottle wine.
As Keith Floyd would say, cheers!
Hi all. Wish I'd searched this forum before attempting Ribena wine. Turns out 10 minutes gentle boiling ain't enough. So now to Aldi I guess
Glad you asked!
On the basis of a previous post i'm doing a 2 concentrate rgj, pinapple but the rgj was quite dark...
Then a rgd (tropicanna), apple, and pineapple.
The tropicanna i think is a great alternative to wgj as its quite tart.
Glad you asked!
On the basis of a previous post i'm doing a 2 concentrate rgj, pinapple but the rgj was quite dark...
Then a rgd (tropicanna), apple, and pineapple.
The tropicanna i think is a great alternative to wgj as its quite tart.

I have never used pineapple in a wine, let us know how it turns out.
Well i'm finally drinking my first wows.
Mine is a rgd, apple and rhubarb + half apple and i have to admit to being very pleased with and perfectly quaffable as an alternative to a cheapish white.
The wifes is 2 apple and raspberry and a purple grape. Also quite reasonable but to much like a rose for me.
Both are about 4 weeks old, having been racked a week ago after naturally finishing at 0.992 and finned a couple of days ago.
Jobs a good un, i'm now on <�£1/bottle wine.
As Keith Floyd would say, cheers!

I've tried many different combinations and settled on a few faves, one I've done a few times now is RGJ and apple and rhubarb, the other I've done a few of is the RGJ and apple, and a straight pineapple one is going down well ATM, but of all the different juice combinations I haven't made one that didn't get drunk and enjoyed.

I finally got to a waitrose and scored some WGJ, so a WGJ apple and rhubarb is on the cards soon.

I've tried many different combinations and settled on a few faves, one I've done a few times now is RGJ and apple and rhubarb, the other I've done a few of is the RGJ and apple, and a straight pineapple one is going down well ATM, but of all the different juice combinations I haven't made one that didn't get drunk and enjoyed.

I finally got to a waitrose and scored some WGJ, so a WGJ apple and rhubarb is on the cards soon.

Looks like i may be in for a treat with the next batch then.

Finished off a bottle of rgj, apl + rhu quite quickly last night and feel fine this morning. Might polish off two tonight (all in the name of science of course)...
Where are you sourcing the rhubarb and can u taste the rhubarb at the end? All the micropubs round me do a rhubarb cider which is epic
I made three WOW three weeks ago, and I forgot about the tea. Should I add it now, or go without ?
I'd be inclined to leave it, adding tea could introduce some oxygen which may lead to spoiling, at least when you add tea on the next batch you will have something to compare it against.

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