The only grape juice free supermarket wine I've made that was any good was apple + pineapple, which came out ok, a bit like white wine. Two cartons of apple and o e of pineapple I think it was.
Thanks CT,
Are those first two the ones people don't make a second time or did Worzel make one from only OJ first.?
Have seen all the other recipes posted in this thread for juice wines from you and many others which i will deffo be trying so a big thanks for those but still not sure if it's worth doing one with only OJ and water.
Thanks Colin.Ive not been around here too long but I get the impression the original WOW used White Grape Juice which you can't get anymore. People tried using Red Grape Juice but the general opinion was
Now whether anyone has tried just Orange Juice, I'm not sure
Maybe get it deliveredHowever, at my local Asda, there was no grape juice ( red or white ),
@Chippy_Tea , Yes, I do have hydrometer..!
Unlike supermarket juice wines where we know the sugar content of the cartons you are not going to know how much sugar to add without using your hydrometer something I am glad I have never had to do.
Most wines will ferment down to .990 (very dry) so if you use that as your FG you can decide how much sugar to use to get the required %ABV by making the OG as high as you like.
Dont go mad as too much sugar will kill the yeast.
Now my hydrometer is showing that I will get around 17% abv..! , Does that mean my yeast will not survive now ?
Yeast should be fine (so long as your must isn't pure syrup)- you'll be left with varying amounts of sugar however (depending on strain of yeast used to ferment). As stated, what was the OG - you used nutrient too ?
Lidl have 1litre "not from concentrate" grape juice for 99p at the minute. The picture on the carton showed white and red grapes. I have neither bought or tried this yet. Do with this as you will.