Sugar Puff Beer

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New Member
Mar 15, 2014
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Hi Guys,

I'm new here so hello all :)

I'd like to share my Sugar Puff Beer recipe using sugar puffs and malt extract. I have a website dedicated to small batch homebrewing with extract in 10-12 litres which is s m a l l b a t c h h o m e b r e w . c . o . u . k

My Recipe for Sugar Puff Beer:

640g Sugar Puffs (two large boxes)
500g light malt extract (spraymalt)
500g dark malt extract (spraymalt)
21g Styrian hops (8g hops at start, 5g 15 before boil ends, 8g at end of boil)
6g gervain yeast

1. Added all of the malt extract and sugar puffs to 7 litres of water and stirred until fully disolved then heated to boil

2. At point of boil added 8g styrian hops

3. Rolling boil with occasional stirring for 60 mins.

4. At 45 mins of roiling boil added 2 litres cold water as starting gravity was 1070 (too high). To measure this I removed a sample with a clean plastic jug and placed the trial jar into a pringles tube full of cold water to quickly cool it to 20*C.

5. After 50 mins of rolling boil added 5g hops and caragheen.

6. At end of boil added 8g hops.

7. Left to stand for 30 mins to extract flavour.

8. Pour wort into fermenter through a sieve. (There is a lot of sugar puff gunk that takes a few attempt to empty and sieve.

9. Measure a cooled sample of wort. SG was still too high at 1060, so added 2 more litres of cold water.

10. Measured another sample of the wort and SG was at 1042 which is fine and volume of the wort is 12 litres.


Nice entrance to the forum! Might even give that a go. What's it like?!!!
I've just bottled it today after 1 week in the cask (and 2 weeks fermenting), so will let you know in 2 weeks!

I also decided to syphon off 8 pints of it and mix it with a strawberry innocent smoothie in a demijohn to create an experimental fruit beer, I also bottled that today so will let you know how that is!
The only issue was that there is a lot of wastage and a lot more sediment than normal, here is a picture of the fermenter, I must of lost about 2-3 litres of my 12 litre batch.
Seems I don't have privilages yet to post images, nevermind they are on my website if you are interested, smallbatchhomebrew dot co dot uk
smallbatchhomebrew said:
Seems I don't have privilages yet to post images, nevermind they are on my website if you are interested, smallbatchhomebrew dot co dot uk

watching out of interest really

What honey? Do you mean the honey beer on my website?
Recipe below - I'll update you on the taste of the sugar puff beer, I had a sneak peak of it yesterday when bottling it and it tasted like a lager a flat lager which I hope means I'm going to get a nice wheaty pale ale after 2 weeks conditioning in the bottle (with a carbonation drop)


Batch 8 – Hoppy Honey Chocolate Pale ale
Posted on March 16, 2014 by
Homebrew Batch 8
Brew day 16th March 2014
Starting Gravity: 1050
Final Gravity: ???
ABV % = ?? (SG 1050- FG ??? x 0.13)

Ingredients (makes 12 litres)
1kg of Pale Dried Malt Extract
32g Hops added at boil -10 mins
5g centennial hops / 5g stryrian goldings hops added at start of the boil -~20 mins
8g centennial hops / 6g stryrian goldings hops ~10 mins to end of boil
10g centennial hops ~end of boil
340g clear honey (jar)
213g Crystal Malt
141g Biscuit Malt
153 Chocolate Malt
2tsp carragheen (irish moss)
6g Brewers yeast (muntons gold)

00:00 Mins: Add crystal malt, biscuit malt and chocolate malt to 1.5 litre water and heat to 66*C, then put the lid on, turn the heat off and leave for 30 mins to steep, occasionally stirring.
00:05 Mins: Heat 6 litres of water in the copper until hot (but do not boil)
00:30 Mins: Add steeped mixture to the copper through a clean sieve. Use a clean jug to rinse through the sieved mixture with the hot water from the copper into the copper. Do this about 4-5 times to extract all the flavour from the grains
00:35 Mins: Add all of the Dried Malt Extract to the copper and stir until dissolve whilst heating to a strong rolling boil
00:45 Mins: At the point of boil add the first 10g batch of hops and stir [START OF BOIL]
00:55 Mins: Add another 12g of hops and stir and replace the lid (to sterilise inside). Add Irish moss to wort and stir.
01:05: Mins Add another 10g of hops and stir, then turn the heat off (END OF BOIL) and transfer the copper immediately to a water/ice bath with the lid on. Add 340g clear honey and stir for 1 minute during the boil.
01:35 Mins: After 30 mins or so in 10*C tap water the wort should now be about 30*C. You may need to replace the water after 20 mins or so to get the temperature down quickly.
01:35 Mins: Pour the wort into the fermenter through a sterile sieve.
01:35 Mins: Add 6 litres of tap water in a sterilised jug into the fermenter through the hops mixture in the sterilised sieve. This will extract all the remaining hops flavours from the hops sediment.
01:40 Mins: You should now have 12 litres of 20*C wort. Take sample of the wort and measure the Starting gravity in a trial jar with a hydrometer.
01:45 Mins: Using a sterile metal whisk vigorously stir the wort to add as much air as possible, then sprinkle the 6g packet of yeast on top of the aearated wort.
01:50 Mins: Attach the sterile gromit and airlock containing 1/3 sterilisation solution and attach the lid of the fermenter, leave somewhere warm (20*C-25*) for 5 days until the airlock stops bubbling and Final gravity is constant below 1014.