Stuff you used to drink.

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I used to get either castlemaine xxxx or wrexham lager,24 cans for a tenner,off the father in law when he worked at Wrexham lager. Great for a night in and decent beer. They also brewed lowenbrau.
There was snakebite - lager and cider
Snakebite and black - snakebite with blackcurrant
or the one I used to drink as a 16 year old
Snakebite and pernod and black.
Skakebite and black, yes that looked very dramatic spraying out my nose at 200 yard intervals whilst staggering home.

Ah yes, snakebite and black was one for the ladies down my may.
I would like a Deus....but the metal detector type...only around �£1200....struggling to slip one in under the radar!

I use one of those. :)

Ansells Mild and Aston Ale are a couple I remember. Oh, and the original Ruddles County when it was brewed at Langham, Oakham and was stronger than it is today.
I remember sharing a pitcher of Reef when I was about 18-19 when round one of my mates for a BBQ (it was a choice between that or Tesco Cider, lol). And then there was Metz.... Anyone remember the Judderman?!
'Snakebite' Bitter & Cider mixed
Some pubs would not sell it - calling it 'Looney Soup'
Well I was very young at the time (1970's)
Yes! you're the only person who's mentioned cider and bitter. My first day in a pub in Shipley, someone teased me by asking for a snakebite. I asked what it was 'bitter and cider in a glass'. I forgot to turn the nozzle down on the hand-pump, poured the bitter first, then added the cider and it exploded, much to the merriment of the locals!! I'm describing this memory on the Ken Bruce show tomorrow lol...but thanks for making me believe that my 1978 memory was correct, ie that , in a poor pub, bitter was probably used in a snake bite!!!!
If you ignore the quote, the previous two posts (above) are really funny.


Home brewed ribena wine anyone?
Back in the late 70s early 80s anyone leaving the company got a pewter mug and taken to the local pub where the mug was filled with one shot of each of the top row of optics. Such joys as whiskey, pernod, all the Martinis, Campari, gin. tequila and the gods only know what else. It always worked, the likely lad never changed his mind and came back the following morning.
For my student days it was snakebite or Guinness and black!
The following afternoon it was a pub Sunday roast and lager top!
I couldn't touch snakebite now, still drink Guinness regularly but the blackcurrant is a very rare outing
We used to frequent a Greenhalls pub long long ago in Blackrod, the bitter was sh--e so we had what we called twilight 1/2 of bitter and a bottle of holsten pils
'Snakebite' Bitter & Cider mixed
Some pubs would not sell it - calling it 'Looney Soup'
Well I was very young at the time (1970's)
Yes, I remember snakebite being bitter and cider rather than lager and cider. It was supposed to make you ill as I recall. Thinking back, I don't really see why. Thinking back, I don't recall seeing cider on tap either.
I regularly used to ask for a pint of Guinness shandy in the Uni bar and, when I was feeling flush, I'd have a half of bitter in a pint glass with a bottle of Gold Label on top. Drink half and top up with another Gold Label. It didn't need many.
Mine was a bottle of dog...Newcastle Brown. £1.08 in a Manchester pub where I worked in the late 80s.
Bud Light 😂 (sorry couldn't help myself)

Sainsbury's are doing a Diesel Sour (Full Circle) hadn't heard of snakebite referred to as that before.