Thought I'd jump in and create some kind of brew log...
I'll kick off with my 14th brew of the year, a simple saison. I think the majority of the recipe influence came from Greg Hughes, if not a direct copy?
Day 1 - mash and boil
Day starts with lugging the brew pot and other brew day equipment out of a storage cupboard.
1st job is checking the water, the KH/Alk and Calcium have slowly been rising since I first checked them, but today they both dropped to the original 86 and 80 respectively.
I then work out my (usually) Alk reduction using crs, plug adjusted water into brewfather then work out calcium chloride/ sulphate adjustment if required. The amount of crs I use usually balances the ratio, but in this brew I added calcium chloride flake to lean towards a malty profile, brewfather says too much but I'm going with @strange-steve post on water.
Whilst the 22l of water is taking approx. 35mins to heat to strike temp, I weigh out my grains using a new bucket I acquired from work. It just holds my usual 4-5kg of grain.
I don't weigh the base malt as I ordered the required amount, in this case 3.2kg of Crisp Europils. At the moment I'm using different base malts for each brew to test efficiencies etc.
After doughing in I set the 45mins mash, revisiting for a stir 2 or 3 times during the course.
I didn't mash at 80c, my thermometer is out. I double check with an old school thermometer, but I did start the mash high at 73c.
Weigh out the hops while mash is on. 2 shots of 25g saaz at fwh and 5mins.
After mash I pull the grain bag (unsnagging it from the hop bazooka. On my to replace list) and rest on an oven rack, which I also leave in place and rest the lid during the boil.
Mash efficiency was 73% rather than my estimated 65%, giving a pre-boil gravity of 1.050. I might consider liquoring back on this brew, I usually go with it but I don't want this to be too strong. I'll have to do it at time of transferring to the fv as I didn't do it when bringing to the boil. I don't know how to account for this in brewfather?
With boil complete I allow to cool in the boiler (with lid on) before bedtime, which I then clingfilm the lid to continue cooling until day 2.....
I'll kick off with my 14th brew of the year, a simple saison. I think the majority of the recipe influence came from Greg Hughes, if not a direct copy?

Day 1 - mash and boil
Day starts with lugging the brew pot and other brew day equipment out of a storage cupboard.
1st job is checking the water, the KH/Alk and Calcium have slowly been rising since I first checked them, but today they both dropped to the original 86 and 80 respectively.

I then work out my (usually) Alk reduction using crs, plug adjusted water into brewfather then work out calcium chloride/ sulphate adjustment if required. The amount of crs I use usually balances the ratio, but in this brew I added calcium chloride flake to lean towards a malty profile, brewfather says too much but I'm going with @strange-steve post on water.

Whilst the 22l of water is taking approx. 35mins to heat to strike temp, I weigh out my grains using a new bucket I acquired from work. It just holds my usual 4-5kg of grain.
I don't weigh the base malt as I ordered the required amount, in this case 3.2kg of Crisp Europils. At the moment I'm using different base malts for each brew to test efficiencies etc.

After doughing in I set the 45mins mash, revisiting for a stir 2 or 3 times during the course.

I didn't mash at 80c, my thermometer is out. I double check with an old school thermometer, but I did start the mash high at 73c.
Weigh out the hops while mash is on. 2 shots of 25g saaz at fwh and 5mins.

After mash I pull the grain bag (unsnagging it from the hop bazooka. On my to replace list) and rest on an oven rack, which I also leave in place and rest the lid during the boil.
Mash efficiency was 73% rather than my estimated 65%, giving a pre-boil gravity of 1.050. I might consider liquoring back on this brew, I usually go with it but I don't want this to be too strong. I'll have to do it at time of transferring to the fv as I didn't do it when bringing to the boil. I don't know how to account for this in brewfather?

With boil complete I allow to cool in the boiler (with lid on) before bedtime, which I then clingfilm the lid to continue cooling until day 2.....