Stout hasn't reached final gravity

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What I'd like to know is how much? What's the target pH and how many points does it need from say as @peebee mentioned; 4.9?

You’re looking to achieve a mash pH of around 5.4 because this is the sweet spot for the enzymes to do their magic and produce a good quality fermentable wort. Mash pH is not the same as your water pH which has little impact on the mash pH.

If you use distilled water (no alkalinity) you are likely to get a mash pH around 5.6-5.8 for light coloured grains and maybe below 5.0 for some of the darker grains. Adding calcium salts will lower this mash pH even further through its interaction with phosphates in the malt but you do need calcium, somewhere between 50 and 150ppm is common.

So without alkalinity the mash pH might be okay for very pale ales but the mash pH of dark ales is likely to be well below where you want it. Alkalinity moves the pH up and resists the acidification of the mash and needs to be higher in darker brews (assuming the dark grain is added to the mash).

There are rough values for alkalinity that work in practice and that most people use if they’re not relying on brewing recipe apps to do all the working out for them. For black beers you might want 150ppm alkalinity, for very pale beers maybe 0-20ppm and in between pick a number that feels about right for the colour.

Armed with this you then need to know what the alkalinity of your water is and how it can be changed. Reducing alkalinity can be done in many ways including dilution with distilled/RO water, addition of other salts (including more calcium), or addition of acid. Increasing alkalinity can be done by adding high alkalinity water from some other source, or adding carbonate salts (eg sodium bicarbonate or calcium carbonate). For example 0.1g of sodium bicarbonate per litre of water adds 60ppm of alkalinity.

Right, I’ve finished my pain au chocolat so that’s all you’re getting for now 😉
Coo ... if it was so easy!
This is talking about the distribution of hydrogen ions and the measurement of "pH". It's so heavy I can't lift me head off the table just thinking about it. There's no direct relationship with "CaCO3" and pH, but there are ways of roughly predicting pH. That's what the DIpH stuff is about … the pH of a mix of a said malt in distilled water. "Malt"? ... Is it dawning on you yet? The complexity of this caper? And the results are probably no better than weather forecasts (they're right some of the time!).

And you'll hear people saying they've got the pH bang on expectation. Eh? I've just been going through all this, and still have the energy to talk about it. Should wear off soon?

(Where's that damp towel … I need to wrap me head in it).
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The challenge though is how much is dissolved over what time and are any other variable like temperature highly relevant. As peebee said, how do you know when it’s done and what you’ve got.
If measure how much you add, and none is left precipicated on the bottom of the vessel you use, then you know its all dissolved. You could also measure the resultant alkalinity, or monitor with a TDS meter.
If measure how much you add, and none is left precipicated on the bottom of the vessel you use, then you know it’s all dissolved. You could also measure the resultant alkalinity, or monitor with a TDS meter.
I’m not sure about the precipitation (maybe?). TDS could be a plan, I’ll build that into my trials and see what we can learn from it.
Does low pH influence fermentability? Kettle sours and the final pH of all beers would suggest not.
Lower pH in the mash (5.0) favours beta-amylase so the wort should be more fermentable because of the greater proportion of simple sugars. If you’re souring in the kettle, the mash is already done and the pH is now about fermentation rather than fermentability.

This is science though so how much of a difference it makes in the real world and how you could tell it was the pH and not some other factor 🤷‍♂️
TDS could be a plan
You think? An electronic TDS meter is a great tool for noting a variation. The "TDS" is actually the electrical conductivity multiplied by a "factor". The "factor" is accepted to be 0.65. In reality it could be between 0.5 and 1.5 (or something like that). After pH prediction I think you've just skipped from the frying-pan into the fire?

As for measuring "Alkalinity": I was very hopeful of this. I bought a Hanna "Alkalinity tester". Great bit of kit, uses a colourimeter device to really figure out colour changes (better than your eye). Cost a bit (£80) but for the sake of Science …

But they were hopeless at the extreme low end giving me 12.5ppm as CaCO3 when it was measured by old-fashioned titration as 7 or 8. I'm hoping by lifting the alkalinity off rock bottom (adding measured doses of bicarbonate) it'll start being more reliable? But the indicator is about out-of-date, and it costs about £35 and lasts 8-12months (ish).
You think? An electronic TDS meter is a great tool for noting a variation. The "TDS" is actually the electrical conductivity multiplied by a "factor". The "factor" is accepted to be 0.65. In reality it could be between 0.5 and 1.5 (or something like that). After pH prediction I think you've just skipped from the frying-pan into the fire?

As for measuring "Alkalinity": I was very hopeful of this. I bought a Hanna "Alkalinity tester". Great bit of kit, uses a colourimeter device to really figure out colour changes (better than your eye). Cost a bit (£80) but for the sake of Science …

But they were hopeless at the extreme low end giving me 12.5ppm as CaCO3 when it was measured by old-fashioned titration as 7 or 8. I'm hoping by lifting the alkalinity off rock bottom (adding measured doses of bicarbonate) it'll start being more reliable? But the indicator is about out-of-date, and it costs about £35 and lasts 8-12months (ish).
Yes, I’m aware it measures conductivity and I don’t know how helpful it might be but if we throw enough tools into the mix something might be helpful. TDS for example might be used to indicate “when it’s done” even if it can’t say how much alkalinity you’ve got. Think of it like a hydrometer indicating that fermentation is done when you get several readings the same…maybe?

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