sterilising glass beer bottles

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Liking the idea of the bath or oven. Do you leave them to cool in the oven? How often have you done them in the oven?
jolemi said:
Liking the idea of the bath or oven. Do you leave them to cool in the oven? How often have you done them in the oven?

No I took 'em out to cool then got a second lot on to sterilise while I filled the first lot. Probably did this for 4 or 5 brews until I got hold of some Starsan (no rinse steriliser). This worked in a fan oven where there's no hot spots, I don't think it would work with gas where the heat's all at the back.
I but em in the dish washer on the highest setting 75c like someone has just said earlier fill the compartment with sterilising solution takes around 1.45 then has a hot dry cycle. bottle straight from the washer while the bottles are still hot. Works for me
I bought a black dustbin from B&Q, filled with water and Milton (baby bottle steriliser). When I've finished a bottle it gets rinsed and put straight into the bin. Done this for the last 5 brews, never had a bad drink yet.

If its good for babies then surely it's good for beer.
Nice one. I've got a electric fan oven so that may be a safer option :)
Does anyone use this kind of bottle rinser with videne?

Jeltz said:
Does anyone use this kind of bottle rinser with videne?

I have one of these and use videne but main thing is to make sure the bottles are clean first!

two squirts and on to the tree to drain :thumb:
Like the looks of that ... just had videne delivered this looks like the ideal bit of kit to use with it :thumb:
I wash mine out whack them in a fan oven on a clean roasting tray 12 at a time wind the temp up to 110 c. When temp is achieved set timer for 5 mins. Works for me.
I wash mine after I've drank the beers. When I have ~20 or so I put them in the oven. When it comes to bottling day I sterilise each bottle using one of those upside down bottle spray things and dry on a rack. Gonna go back to filling a bucket with steriliser and submerging them as it's much quicker.
I wash mine after I've drank the beers.

Likewise. Then good rinse out, about 15mm water in bottom, dash of bleach, foil cap and store.
Refill time. Cap off, give 'em a shake, rinse out, fill 'em.

It's worked since 1983 for me. No baddies, so why change.....
I just rinse mine with water straight after pooring. then once every few weeks if it suits me I rinse them all again with a vinator filled with star san and put in a quick dry rack. They are then stored in boxes and get a quick squirt with the vinator before bottling, which symbol and me do together, like a well oiled assembly line.
You have to admire the way the Star San folk have home brewers world wide hoodwinked on their product. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying it's no good - I've never used it so I wouldn't know. What I do know is compared to my preferred method it is damn expensive and I have to go to a specialty shop to purchase, as opposed to calling at my local supermarket.

I marvel at the videos I've watched on the topic, the way folk throw it around willy-nilly, sterilizing things I'd never dream of.....:eek:
I don't think they have hoodwinked anyone they have a brilliant product that does the job with ease it is expensive to buy but as members have posted it lasts a very long time so long term its not as expensive as it first appears.
As for over using it I guess it's so easy to use why not.
I've never used Starsan as I would never use a no-rinse cleaner/sanitiser. No good reason for that, it just feels wrong.
I pour my beer and drink it, next morning I wash the bottles up and put a squirt of Sodium Metabisulphite solution in (already made up 2 teaspoons to a litre of water in a PET) and then seal the bottle with the old crown cap.
When I'm ready for bottling, I uncap them, throw the caps away, rinse the bottles and away we go.
I've used bottles I had but away months or even years earlier. If there's a whiff of sulphur dioxide, they're good. I've never had a bottle go off in the thousands of bottles I've made over the years.
I rinse my bottles after pouring. On bottling day in the dishwasher on any old programme th3n star san on a tree. No issues in 24 brews.
I really cut the cleaning time when I went for a sink full of water with washing up water and bleach, swill, drain and bake in the oven. Because of changes in thin bleach I couldn't trust it to make an acidified no-rinse solution any more - not for bottles.

But Star San works as well as the baking step and I'm not fannying about with the oven and pulling out hot bottles.