Sterilising Fermentation vessel

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Feb 22, 2014
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I have done a search and read up on sterilising. The bit Im not sure on is whether or not you fully fill the FV when sterilising it or if you partially fill and use a boiled cloth to thoroughly wipe around the sides?
I have VMP steriliser or could dilute up perfumed bleach. I may be over worrying but don't want to slack on sterilising.
if it is fill up whole bucket, can I use that liquid again with two more buckets....don't want to sound tight but otherwise that's a lots of steriliser.
Thanks for any help.
Ps I see some fold spray iodine solution? Not sure where you can source and what strength...years ago used it in a vets and had yellow arms :)
VWP is an all in one Cleanser sanitiser, and it works well . . . if a little expensive. . . .Cleaning wash the worst off with hot water then put 1L of the hot solution into the fv and wipe it round with a new clean non stick sponge scourer . . .using the sponge side only . . . if it is a hard deposit then the scourer comes in to play . . .but gently

For sanitising I would make around 1L of solution and put it in the fv and (with the lid on) shake the devil out of it a few times over 15 minutes.

remember that VWP is a chlorine based disinfectant and as such must be rinsed well . . . if you can smell teh chlorine you need to rinse again. . . . You can use 1 campden tablet in 1 Pint of water to neutralise the chlorines as well.

A cheaper, less rinse intensive, solution is to use a non scented oxy cleaner like whizz / Astonish Oyxaction (1 quid from Wilkos) to clean . . .Use as above. rinse out which is easy, then use Videne (antiseptic solution) to disinfect . . . .1.25ml per L . . .again put into the FV shake to wet all surfaces for a few times over 5 minutes . . .drain . . .ideally drip dry . . .and go . . .no rinsing required . . . .no point in reusing the solution as it is so cheap to buy.
Best thing you will ever buy is star san it will last you years. A but more expensive to buy but in long term will save you cash. I mix mine up with asda smart price water in the 2 litre bottle with 3ml of star san and I put in fv and shake like hell. Then empty back into 2 litre bottle with a funnel ready to use again. Ill use that solution for 5 or 6 brews. Also using to sterilise siphon tube etc. I also got a solution made up in a 5 litre bottle which I use on my kegs and again use the solution for 5 or 6 brews. And yea I clean with oxy clean first and rinse after that.
Given how cheap star san and videne actually are . . . it's not worth 10-12 hours of my time to risk a spoiled batch because I didn't make it up fresh when I need it . . :nono: :nono: . . . . Telling people that it is ok to reuse a sanitiser only leads to bad habits, it's not worth the risk
Aleman said:
if you can smell teh chlorine you need to rinse again

This is excellent advice. I have never used anything but VWP and have a routine with known concentrations and rinsing cycles which has been developed exclusively from this "smell test" and, so far (grabs large handfuls of wood), I've had only one suspect (but actually I think it's a cr@p kit, others have had the same) batch of beer and never had any taint from the sanitiser.

I also use my FVs for ciders with lactobacillus (for that farmyardy, west country style) and reuse them for beers.

VWP kills *everything*. It's the domestos of the brewing world!
I do as Aleman says using Videne but I usually balance the Fv over the top of my Boiler in the last 10 mins of the boil to get a load of steam into it as well, then I spray on Videne getting into all nooks and crannies leave it 10 mins with a lid on and then drip dry. By this time the wort is cooling and I have a nice clean FV ready to drop my beer into. :thumb:
Apart from one ill-advised foray into oxi-cleaner only (thanks LHBS) I've always used VWP. When I started out I put a bit in the FV, wiped and shaked for a while. I then thought I was doing things wrong and started filling the FV and barrel with VWP - I used nearly a whole pot on one brew! I'm very glad I've read this thread - I'll go back to shaking and wiping. Cheers for the advice Aleman :thumb: