Sterile bottles

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Mr Rob

New Member
Jan 12, 2010
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I've just got my first brew going using a Young's Brew Buddy kit.

I'm going to bottle using 2 litre pop bottles, and had starting saving them up, but I've just got back from Asda where I noticed their 2 litre value sparkling water is on sale for just 10 pence - so I bought a load.

The question I have is regarding sterilisation:

I plan to pour the sparkling water away immediately before bottling - so do you think the bottles will already be sterile?

I suppose they should be if they were containing water for drinking.

The obvious answer is that I should sterilise to be on the safe side, but does anybody have any direct experience?

Hi Mr Rob, welcome to the forum.

I don't have any direct experience as I always sterilise my bottles. My gut feeling is that you would probably get away with it but it would be a travisty to lose your first batch of beer just to save a few minutes at the front end. So I'm not going to encourage bad practice - give them a clean. :thumb:

Hope it goes well.
When I've bought 5 litre bottles of mineral water for use as DJs I've just poured away half of the water, added a couple of litres of fruit juices, some sugar syrup, yeast, nutrient etc., drilled the lid for an airlock and bish bosh, job's a good'un. Never sterilised one, never lost a gallon of wine.

PS: 5L AquaPura currently 69p in Morrison's.
Mr Rob said:
I'm going to bottle using 2 litre pop bottles, and had starting saving them up, but I've just got back from Asda where I noticed their 2 litre value sparkling water is on sale for just 10 pence - so I bought a load.

I do that everytime I bottle my cider kits and have also put beer in them in an emergency bottling situation I never sterilised them just poured out the water primed and filled them up and I,ve never had a problem :thumb: one word of caution though store the bottles in the dark as with them being clear the light does something to the beer/cider can't of the top of my head remember what :oops: but someone will drop in and let you know ;)
ni9e said:
I do that everytime I bottle my cider kits and have also put beer in them in an emergency bottling situation I never sterilised them just poured out the water primed and filled them up and I,ve never had a problem :thumb: one word of caution though store the bottles in the dark as with them being clear the light does something to the beer/cider can't of the top of my head remember what :oops: but someone will drop in and let you know ;)

Without going into tales of 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, basically UV light reacts with hop compounds to create an unpleasant taste. Generally known as "skunked", it reminds me a little of cat pish. I can taste it all the time in bottled hobgoblin. Some people are more sensitive to the taste than others.
jamesb said:
Generally known as "skunked", it reminds me a little of cat pish. I can taste it all the time in bottled hobgoblin. Some people are more sensitive to the taste than others.
Ah well, there you go, over the years I must have drunk several gallons of Hobgoblin but I've never sampled so much as one thimbleful of cat pish, so I've never made the connection.
Moley said:
jamesb said:
Generally known as "skunked", it reminds me a little of cat pish. I can taste it all the time in bottled hobgoblin. Some people are more sensitive to the taste than others.
Ah well, there you go, over the years I must have drunk several gallons of Hobgoblin but I've never sampled so much as one thimbleful of cat pish, so I've never made the connection.

I live in a house of cats, I should have got desensitised to it by now :roll: Suspect that cat pish is a different compound anyway.

Trivia: It's the same compound that an actual skunk produces.
Thanks for the advice. As it's my first batch I've decided not to take any risks and sterlilise the bottles.

However, as an experiment I will leave a bottle or two unsterlilised and report back on my findings.

And thanks for the info about the UV too.

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