Stepped Mash - do ramps count?

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Dec 27, 2012
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My iggorance never fails to astound me, I just realised I don't know!

For example if a 90 minute BIAB mash requires a series of steps to allow for the various 'rests' say 20mins at 55° then 20mins at 65° and so on out to the 90mins were do the temperature ramps fit in?

If it takes my Burco 10mins to heat the wort from 55 to 65°C do I stop the clock for those 10mins extending the overall time mashing? This would give me the correct times at the set temperatures but lengthen the mash period.

Atb. Aamcle
I did a BIAB step mash for a wheat and I took the approach that the rise times weren't included in the step times.

Turned out very tasty indeed so that's what I'll do next time! :D
pittsy said:
i add them on , try to keep it around 1c per minute . my mashes can be 3 hrs :roll:

Sounds relaxing :)

Hope so anyway - I'm planning on brewing your hefe in the coming weeks :cheers:
Au contraire, I do step mashes mostly and I do not count. ;)

Key is to be consistent. I plan my steps to cover whole range for particular enzyme, so it's 60-65c and 70-73c. Ramp from 65 to 70 takes nearly constant time, so is from 55 to 60.

I'm not sure what you are saying, are you adding a 'ramp time' to the length of the step or ignoring 'ramp times' all together?

Atb. Aamcle
I always assumed the time taken for raising the temp wasn't included, I stopped the clock.
Pittsy is quite right with 1degree/min, can take a long time, especially if ur doing a decoction :shock:
aamcle said:
I'm not sure what you are saying, are you adding a 'ramp time' to the length of the step or ignoring 'ramp times' all together?

I'm ignoring it. But these days I rarely brew to others recipes literally, I know my brewhouse and yeast and modify mash schedule accordingly to get expected fg.