Being a native Californian and living in northern CA now, I can tell you it's not my favorite style, but it's a good beer nonetheless. The only reason it's not my favorite is because it's pretty uneventful. I like super west coast hoppy beers or dark chocolate stouts. Something that really awakens my palate. The CA common is a good beer when you want something light, easy going, and don't want to think about your beer.
I'm going to digress a bit here to clarify this. On top of craft brew, I also love good pipe tobacco. I often times pair the two. I really enjoy sitting back and pulling the flavors and aromas out of a good Latakia or Virginia. I do the same with beer. I want to analyze by beer like I do my tobacco. I can spend about 90 seconds doing that with a CA common.
That being said my wife loves brewing this beer because it's pretty much army proof. The yeast she uses is wyeast 1056 at 61 degrees. The beer is clean but still gives off some fruity esters it's known for. For a more traditional example I think I'd use a lager yeast fermented at 61. This would produce more fruity esters.