Star Wars Battlefront

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
Having just read MQ's The Force Awakens Trailer i wondered how many members will be getting -

May be the reason I upgrade to the current generation of consoles....
May be the reason I upgrade to the current generation of consoles....

The demo was great, i will be buying it.

Published on Jul 15, 2015
We compile some of the best multiplayer footage to come out of the recent Star Wars Battlefront alpha test into around three quarters of an hour, unsullied by needless commentary. Thanks to the respective makers of these clips.

yeah i'll be buying this. i've not been bothering much with gaming, over the last 18 months or so. but from the quick go I had on the Xbox One beta, this looks huge fun.
You played the Beta Chippy??

I did and despite the fact Empire always won the walker assault I cannot deny regardless I enjoyed it... the other map was okay too.. Angry Joe seems to think the flying map (not on Beta) is a bit naff

Single player , I must admit I know it will not appeal to many people but I would have liked to have seen a better effort personally.. I thought SP looked really poor... but the MP on the flip side looks extremely promising.. I wish they would do stuff like sort out people camping spawn points..

I got in as tie fighter and a speeder but I sucked, just seemed to fly incircles unable to actually work out what to do with them :rofl:
I know this will sound strange but the big walker game didn't do it for me, the problem with these types of games is few stick to the objectives, if you don't you cannot call in the bombers and your team will lose, I am buying it for team death match mainly as I cannot be bothered with the news same old same old COD game, I will give the other game types a try and may even give the walker game type actry later.
I'm a big Star Wars fan but to be frank as far as multiplayer sci-fi themed shooters go Planetside 2 still wins for me, even though I did like the demo. :/
and what could go wrong there on a Friday night? :cheers:
Flying an xwings after too many DIPAs:electric:

I hear what you're saying Chippy about the walker, it was actually bugged and the fact that the Empire auto won unless the rebels did a certain set of almost impossible tasks is something needing looking into..

I am not actually a massive fan of COD online shooters, I got bored to death of FPS games a while back and they have to be really good for me to consider one..

But Battlefront has me drawn in and the fact you're generally on a team helps (and its Star wars)
Non of the objectives will get achieved cuz we'd all be pished on home brew after a few hours of gaming :lol:

One of the best nights gaming I ever had was when the whole Guild was p* and we decided to do a high level instance in Warcraft.

What should have been a walk in the park took us hours as we were all laughing too much at each other and dying all the time. Great night :rofl:

Edit: A wee hint there where my avatar came from... nae prizes though!

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