spray malt

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Active Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Hi all,
Can anybody advise me the best way to mix up my spray malt into my kit brew as i have only used sugar before, i have heard that some people mix with cold water, whats the best way? thanks
hi , you should boil some water then add your malt stirring well (watch out for boil over ) turn down heat and keep stirring , keep boiling for about 5 mins (at most) then allow to cool and add to brew (if a kit brew you can just add when hot) you need about 1 litre for around 500g of spray malt. hope this helps :thumb:
ive done loads of beer kits, i usually add the kit malt extract first, add a few litres of boiling water and give it a good stir, then gradually add the spraymalt, it will clog up as the heat from the boiling water will make it stick to the outside of the packet but just keep stirring and you'll be fine and add more water as yo go along.
I find you just have to keep stirring with spraymalt until it is disolved however long that may be, however I find is disolves better in cold water (still a pain, but that's why we are craft brewers :D )
And another for cold water :thumb:

I only use it for starters and thanks to people on here found cold water MUCH easier than warm / boiling / hot and all the other varying temps I had tried :wha:
Hawks said:
And another for cold water :thumb:

I only use it for starters and thanks to people on here found cold water MUCH easier than warm / boiling / hot and all the other varying temps I had tried :wha:

+1 :thumb:

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