Sorry, I've Been Busy!

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Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score
Near Leeds
Hi folks,
Apologies for not posting for a while but my time (life) doesn't seem to be my own any more :lol:
Most of it seems to have been taken over by this little man.


I've been busy accumulating parts (and seemingly emptying my pocket/bank account) for my ongoing brewery build and generally confusing myself with what I've bought :lol:
There hasn't been any time really to brew, but I'm hoping to get something sorted this weekend as Imperial Stout is not really any sort of session drink.

Particular apologies for a few PM's that I've not responded to and anything I left 'mid-air'......I'll get around to sorting these over the next week or so.

Glad to be back :cool:
Nice one mark, life just changed forever, for the better!

Well done and Congratulations enjoy whilst he is like that it doesnt last long

What ever you do Don't and I repeat Don't order another one of the same sex because life becomes living hell with two of the little feckers:lol: :lol:

Seriously though your life will be filled with life long joy.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Congrats, very cute mate! Alas unfortuantly I have to leave it to my friends and family to have the....
little feckers
Brewery One will be the first child! Wife can have a new car! (if she can afford it!)
Congratulations to you both. I hope the little one follows the hobby of his father :drunk: .

Ahh, I see he is wearing the customary scratch mittens. My oldest is sixteen and still wakes up like she has fallen through a bramble patch.
Thanks for the kind welcome back :)
We've called him Isaac abey.
What do you mean by soon already has.
And yes, I hope very much he will be following in my brewing footsteps.....I will need someone to help me when I'm too old and knackered to get a brew on.

I am determined to brew again this weekend as I've got quite a lot of new kit that I'm eager to ruin :lol:
Congratulations Mark - love the name :thumb:
graysalchemy said:
What ever you do Don't and I repeat Don't order another one of the same sex because life becomes living hell with two of the little feckers:lol: :lol:

I for one can confirm the above is true, 1 is great 2 the same sex is like having 6 :roll: :roll:

Welcome back.

Thanks Shane I was beginning to think that I was the only one who thought like that. :lol: :lol:

Does it make me a bad parent for thinking it though :hmm: :hmm: