BS-sell the flash car, extend the garage to cover where the car was and fill it with a brewery. Alternatively sell the car and the house, move to a 40 acre lifestyle block in North New Zealand where you'll have a shed that covers more area than your old house. :thumb: Then use the cash that's LEFTOVER and get Earl to build you whatever brewery you like. With the money LEFTOVER from that you can buy yourself some guns and come Stag hunting with me. :thumb:
Then there would be two decent brewers in NZ :rofl:
i'm sure my landlady would be a bit upset if i sold her house! :lol:
and due to the recession, my car's currently worth less than the outstanding loan value
believe me though, the mrs and i were looking at houses in NZ... we could get a VERY nice house out there for less than the price of a 2 bed town house here
I decided to walk the two miles to work this morning, I'd have never made it on the bike, too much black ice under the snow. Not as bad as it sounds though, it's a nice walk. I appear to have lost the nicest photo though.