Smoothie wine

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Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
Grantham, Lincolnshire
I have seen a smoothie in Aldis that sounds like it would be nice if alcohol was added to it lol

it says on the box NOT from concentrate.

I was wondering however, being a smoothie, i guess i would need to water it down a bit.

How do i judge the water to smoothie ratio?

I ask because i dont want to loose the flavour of the juice due to dilluting it too much but if i were to fill the DJ with smoothie it would be too thick so do i just do it to eye? or has anyone got a recipe they have tried before that would help me?

Thanks in advance.
All the stuff that contributes to the smoothie stylee mouthfeel is going to end up as a very deep layer of pulp at the bottom of your fermenter, massively reducing yield and creating many handling problems. Other than that, proceed as for a WOW, I guess.
I agree with oldbloke, volume losses will be massive.

I've tried using a fruit smoothie, but only once. The kids hadn't drunk it and the ‘use by’ date was up, so I chucked it in a DJ with a carton of grape juice. Ended up drinkable, but I wouldn't repeat it.

If you want to retain fruit flavours, start with a grape & apple base to the WOW method and then add your fruits or some sort of cordial at top-up time or when fermentation is getting towards its final days.
glad i asked before i did it lol it just sounded nice ... i tried cider fromm fruit juice and it ended up horrible so i am very dubious about any fruit juice wines now so smoothie sounded good ... oh well nvm back to drawing board

Smoothie wines do a lot of this :D

wow jonny .... i am cringing now at the mere thought of what my missus would say if that were my demi lol ........ *cups balls to make sure they still there* :pray: ......

Did it make as much mess as im thinking it did?
Yep, it went EVERYWHERE! It must have been spraying out during the night before it fired out the top of the airlock because it was all over the carpet (and I had it in a washing up bowl!)
Jonny69 said:
Yep, it went EVERYWHERE! It must have been spraying out during the night before it fired out the top of the airlock because it was all over the carpet (and I had it in a washing up bowl!)

GliddosVinos said:
glad i asked before i did it lol it just sounded nice ... i tried cider fromm fruit juice and it ended up horrible so i am very dubious about any fruit juice wines now so smoothie sounded good ... oh well nvm back to drawing board


Cider from apple juice without any further additions of malic acid and tannin can be very insipid, also the use of sugar makes for an insipid cider. You can make wonderful west country style cider from carton apple juice but you need plenty of time to mature, malic acid and tannin and prefferably a yeast cultured from a bottle of westons old rosie. :thumb:
5 L of apple juice (100% from concentrate cheap will be fine)
1 tsp pectolase
1 tsp tannin or a very very very strong cup of black tea made from a few tea bags.
1 tsp malic acid
Cider yeast for best results you will need to culture on eup from a bottle of Westons Old Rosie see here.

Ferment at 18-21c. Once fermentation has finished rack into a secondary FV under airlock and leave for at least 2-3 months 6 is best and 10 months even better. It will under go malo lactic fermentation especially if you have used Old Rosie yeast as this has the lactobacillus in the cider. It will look like this


and may even smell a little vinegary but as long as it tastes of cider (it will have that farmyard twang) then it is cider if not you have got a gallon of cider vinegar which will go nicely in some pickled onions.

:thumb: :thumb:

Once you have the desired twang bottle either flat or prime for fizzy. You may want to back sweeten as it may be quite dry, if you do use splenda or something like that if you are planning fizzy cider or if you preffer flat you can back sweeten with a little apple juice.

You will be left with sublime west country style cider.