I’m on Standard Tarif, and the prices are based on today’s recent costs.
I’ve got a second generation smart meter, and Scottish Power is my provider.
There App produces the following data.
The graph runs from midnight to midnight for any given day in half hour averages. The Y axis is in £.
This is a given 24 hour period when I aren’t at home.
My house has the following constantly in use over that period.
Fridge Freezer,
2nd Freezer large upright.
UV disinfection lamp on water supply,
Underfloor heating pump.
Oil boiler ignition,
Pump in Solar hot water system during daylight hours.
Probably TV on standby,
Vampire phone charger.
I don’t think turning the TV off completely, and the phone charger will make that much impact.
The total items above cost about 5p/hour.