Six Nations

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well I've watched 160 minutes today and seen 10 mins of rugby. Bit of a let down today.

Scotland v Wales was a good game of penalties interrupted by the occasional bit of rugby.

and what can you say about Ireland...France were ready to be put to the sword and they didn't do
piddledribble said:
well I've watched 160 minutes today and seen 10 mins of rugby. Bit of a let down today.

Have to agree with that, was rather hoping to see France with nil point :roll:
Well bugger me with a brillo pad :roll:

England less than impressive, Italy played better than they have done recently and Wales must be rubbing their mitts thinking that next week they can spoil Englands party :!:

Aparrently I spent a good deal of time shouting at the telly so next week should be 'entertaining' all to play for England going for the grand slam, Wales determined to stop them, brilliant :thumb:

England may get the GS or not, but the world cup.... not on these performances :nono: the Auzzies, NZ and SA teams will give them some stick.
jonewer said:
- why keep playing Ashton? The lad's a knob!

reluctant to blame one player, but he made one decent tackle during the game and did little else :!:
as a fan of good rugby, all I can say is....what a poor weekend of games.
3 games and nothing to light any of them up, dismal performances by all, except Italy, who rose to the occasion. They were 250 to one against with the bookies.
Ashton has had his last chance I feel and he should be returned to his club to sort himself out, and I agreed with the man of the match award to Maclean, certainly no Englishman deserved it.
However looking on the bright side..........................................

ah yes...

It's set up for next weekend lovely, with England just winning and getting nearly burned by Italy they can have no reason not to win handsomely against the Welsh, who I hope have been lulled into a false sense of security by todays game.

well not much of a bright side, more a glimmer of hope really.
See, Wales are getting excitable and thinking it's theirs for the taking.

Problem is, they were also bloody awful yesterday. It was a dismal game and if they play like that against England, it could well be 0-0.

I don't know why they're so cocky just because they barely beat a terrible Scotland side 24 hours previously.
On the other hand, Italy arent the joke they used to be.

All very well saying England were bad, but credit to Italy too. They turned over the French after all.
:clap: :clap: hats off to Italy, they did more than they were expected to do.
Pretty cold day sat in the gods at Twick for a bit of a poor effort. Twice a kick for touch was kept in by the italians :shock:

then second half england didn't seem to turn up!

To make it worse I was sat next to a Scot who was chearing the Italians at every oppertunity.

I just hope that they have their mind on the decider... 7 points is not much of a margin!
Is this the day of the Grand Slam for England ?
Will Wales spoil the party ? ( they have previous for it )
Will France get the wooden spoon ( hope springs eternal )
Can Italy get there first ever 2 game wins in the championship
Don't think any are clear cut choices this year......

Lets just hope the games are better this weekend than last....... :roll:

Come on England !
Looking forward to an afternoon of shouting at the telly :oops:

This will test England more than any of the previous games :!:

Wales will not want to lose this one, (no one wants to lose any game I know) England have to prove they can do it :!:

Certainlty too tight to call, I reckon it depends on the scrums and particularly penalties given away in the scrums, then its down to the kickers and both teams have their main kickers back today :!:

Several bottles are in the cupboard ready for this afternoon, hope it's a good entertaining game, but there's so much at stake I expect both sides to be wary :!: who's going to make the mistakes and who's going to pounce of them :?:
Who dares,wins.

for the Welsh amongst us........sorry.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountain green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

Well done Wales ....... totally outplayed England :!:

think this was about Wales wanting it and going out to win, full tilt, England were unable to compete at all in the 2nd half :!:
yes the better team on the day won. England lost the desire to win. may Gloat.
Scoreline speaks for itself really.

Well done the Welsh! I never begrudge them a victory, it is their national sport and a passion in a way that isnt true anywhere else in 6-nation land.

Anyway, oh dear England. So much promise, so little delivery. Some psychology issues there I think.
What a cracking first half of rugby though. I'm not a big rugby fan (I like the competitiveness of the 6 nations) but that was just end to end stuff. The 2nd half, to me, was a whitewash. Wales really took the bit between the teeth with the lead they had and just kept going.

I was pretty sure England were going to come out all guns blazing.

Thoroughly enjoyed the match anyway, very exciting.
Well done Wales, that was an education you gave out today. Put a good but overconfident England side in their place.

Hopefully Scotland can finish the 6 Nations off in style.
England was taught a lesson in how to play rugby with pride, passion and the will to win, breaks my heart to say this WELL DONE WALES.

FV 1 & 2 empty, :?
King keg 1, Woodfordes Wherry, :drink: :clap:
King keg 2 empty, :(
Bottled, Woodfordes Wherry
..........Hoped honey mead, :drink: :clap:
..........Olde treacle ale, :drink: :wha:
I want to say how much we were robbed but wales totally deserved to win.

hands down the better team won. England just didnt turn up..again.

one good thing about this contest is that SHWMB is now interested in rugby.. she is looking at barbarian games

i think i will be going to a few more games... by request :party:

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