Impatient question here from a first time bottler. I bottled a 10 litre batch a week ago. Nothing special, pale ale hopped with Cascade and Amarillo.
Question is this.. would you expect to see any visible signs of carbonation in the bottle? I can see nothing yet. Not entirely sure what I’m expecting, bubbling in the neck maybe?
I ask only as I used rekorderlig bottles my wife brought home from the pub she works in and it was the devils own job getting the caps on with one of the red lever jobbies…
I know wait another week and pop one is the answer but still… we’re all a little impatient aren’t we..

Question is this.. would you expect to see any visible signs of carbonation in the bottle? I can see nothing yet. Not entirely sure what I’m expecting, bubbling in the neck maybe?
I ask only as I used rekorderlig bottles my wife brought home from the pub she works in and it was the devils own job getting the caps on with one of the red lever jobbies…
I know wait another week and pop one is the answer but still… we’re all a little impatient aren’t we..