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It's not much but here's my newbie 'stash' well.. it's more of a shopping haul before I started my second batch today.


Spent a little more in Wilkos then SWMBO would have liked but then again I convinced her with promises of rose :thumb:
Ill upload a picture at the weekend. I must be mad, Iv'e got 5 DJs of Rioja red wine , 1 plastic Gallon of Polish Raspberry-aid and two 23L fermenter's of Shiraz and pear cider going in the past 25 days and Iv'e not even tasted any home-brew yet. I'm just hoping you lot are not just my local brew shop having a laugh :mrgreen: I'm either very stupid or Christmas is going to be over before it starts :drunk: . Ive spent a fortune, if its no good, my Japanese swords are coming out. :pray:
mike383838 said:
Ill upload a picture at the weekend. I must be mad, Iv'e got 5 DJs of Rioja red wine , 1 plastic Gallon of Polish Raspberry-aid and two 23L fermenter's of Shiraz and pear cider going in the past 25 days and Iv'e not even tasted any home-brew yet. I'm just hoping you lot are not just my local brew shop having a laugh :mrgreen: I'm either very stupid or Christmas is going to be over before it starts :drunk: . Ive spent a fortune, if its no good, my Japanese swords are coming out. :pray:

I'm in the same boat. Started home brewing a month ago, haven't properly tasted any brews yet, but I've got 8 DJs on the go now. Worked out it's 48 bottles worth and now my misses is going mad saying that I'm making too much!
Ha Ha, my misses is stomping round like a tiger in a chicken coup. Apparently this is getting in the way of her special time with me :nah: . I will need to start being more discrete. Its like she knows Im a goner. But thankfully I have the power to resist a cupboard full of soup. ;) :grin:
Here is mine, none bottled yet though either, at this rate I'm gonna have to get some more DJ's or mibbies another kit!

Here is mine as promised. This was hard to set up without the misses seeing it. I've these hidden all over the house. Only when you put them together does it look a little excessive. :)

Some fine stashes there folks :thumb:

Just posted my updated pics on the other thread of mine ;)

heres a pic of my recent collection


and this wow which looks like a brain


ps how do i get bigger pictures :?:

mike383838 said:
your right, i probably have more guitars, at the moment, but soon it will be more djs, :)

From one guitarist to another, you can never have too many guitars!
Well here is mine so far!

Maturing wings I've got apple and mango, Ribena, strawberry Ribena, cherry, and raspberry. Clearing I've got pineapple, and blueberry (think I should have used red grape juice for this though). Fermenting I have 3 tea bag wines, which are blackcurrent and nettle, strawberry and mango, and cranberry and orange. Got 1 gallon of each and I'm planning on leaving them until xmas.

Also got 18 bottles of wine, 6 orange WOW, 6 strawberry and 6 peach which have all turned out great!

I can see this turning into an expensive and intoxicating hobby!

Also got a few spare containers to fill up so my stockpile will be increasing soon!

WOW. Now I don't feel so bad Stevie, I showed SWMBO your picture and now I have picture and sound again, sometimes I wish I had a remote for her, but alas my credit card has the only positive affect and it only lasts a day. :thumb: Great pic but I notice you have been stealing someone's flower pots, be careful. :D
stevie1556 said:
Well here is mine so far!

Maturing wings I've got apple and mango, Ribena, strawberry Ribena, cherry, and raspberry. Clearing I've got pineapple, and blueberry (think I should have used red grape juice for this though). Fermenting I have 3 tea bag wines, which are blackcurrent and nettle, strawberry and mango, and cranberry and orange. Got 1 gallon of each and I'm planning on leaving them until xmas.

Also got 18 bottles of wine, 6 orange WOW, 6 strawberry and 6 peach which have all turned out great!

I can see this turning into an expensive and intoxicating hobby!

Also got a few spare containers to fill up so my stockpile will be increasing soon!


Nice stash :thumb:

mike383838 said:
WOW. Now I don't feel so bad Stevie, I showed SWMBO your picture and now I have picture and sound again, sometimes I wish I had a remote for her, but alas my credit card has the only positive affect and it only lasts a day. :thumb: Great pic but I notice you have been stealing someone's flower pots, be careful. :D

The big green pot? Yeah, it's a big un! Thinking about using it for some toffee apple TC. Picked it up this morning from Steve AKA oldjiver, along with 4 DJs, a FV and 4 gallon bottles (although one became a casualty in the car journey home and smashed).

I've only been brewing 2 months but I think the reason why I've got away with making so much is that the misses seems to like the wines! And the fact that when she moans I try and justify it, then the sad puppy dog eyes, then finite her and carry on haha!

I've just found the instructions for my California Connoisseur Zinfandel Blush kit as well so need to get that on the go soon! Suppose that's another thing I'll get moaned about!

I would hate to see your credit card bill if that's what ya use so you can get away with brewing! :haha:

oldstout said:
Nice stash :thumb:


Thanks :grin:
:D :D :D :D

Yes, I turned the credit card bill into a new mortgage recently (im free for another 20 years :nah: ), otherwise I could not be starting this new hobby. I have to make a really good wine before I can get my beautiful wife (SHMBO), on board, (she's fussy, likes the finer things, if you get me, not sure why she picked me, Oh I remember, she loves George Cloney :)), and for that I need Ade's (A.K.A. Moley's) brain, or maybe his aged stash of fine matured red wines. :pray: Anyway like you this place has started me thinking "can I save money by making my own" or is this gona kill me by poisoning :drunk: or nagging :wha: :)