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alexe said:
After over three years of researching, designing, testing and building my new brewery is finished! I set out with the following principles:

The finished brewery

That really is a thing of streamlined beauty! :cool:
A 32l stockpot, FVs, 2 sheets of nylon curtain and a few other bits and pieces.

Head brewer looking on and offering advice. The result? The best beer I've ever tasted.
:eek: Wow 65 quid for an element. Think I'll stick with a 2750watt backer element for 18 quid.
Christ on a stick!

I am about to get started this weekend, these pictures make my little white tub...well seem amateur ish!

The other half is now shaking her head as I show her your set ups. Its all her fault from this point onward as she selected my 1st kit!
grandelf said:
Christ on a stick!

I am about to get started this weekend, these pictures make my little white tub...well seem amateur ish!

The other half is now shaking her head as I show her your set ups. Its all her fault from this point onward as she selected my 1st kit!

Don't worry you can still make superb beer on basic equipment.
shh dont say that, if the plastic tub works....I can convince the OH it cheaper to splash out on kit rather than cans from the offy!
I have an Igloo mash tun a shiny boiler and a plastic bucket, I make great beer and I am convinced I need nothing else. HOWEVER!!!!! When I lay dreaming at night it is always of cellars and sheds filled with pipes and pumps and shiny. Why do I? Same reason car freaks dream of jags (or whatever) and kids dream of X factor You don't NEED it, but ain't it lovely!! Nice set Dennis :thumb:
Well, here's my setup - very much on the 'cheap and cheerful' side! No other place to brew but the kitchen. I said in my Intro post (a long, long time ago) that I call it The Packer Way Brewery. I don't live on Packer Way, but, when I've finished brewing, and need the kitchen back, I have to, errrr, pack away :oops:

The lowest part of my HLT is in shot, along with the data lead of my control system - a probe alarm thermometer! If it looks pretty Heath Robinson, it works. Beer Engine keeps reporting that I get 90%+ efficiency :D

Here's the remainder - my FV, sitting atop a high shelf, so I can gravity fill the kegs. 2 x 23 litre kegs, and a PB, are each paired with a 19 litre corny, for 42 litres of finished beer. Brewlength is 45 litres, to allow for fermentation losses, and to fill a couple of bottles or so.

Missing link between boiler and FV is a coiled hose CFC. It replaces the MT on the chair, and has a Solar type pump fitted to take the wort up to the FV on its shelf.

I've shown you mine, now show me yours!! :lol:

There are some VERY impressive set-ups on here guys - I'm just a tad envious and would love something like that one day.

Makes the bucket on the floor of my office look reeeeally sad!! :cry:
I'm also feeling jealous but here's mine, kits and *cough* higher alcohol washes only for me. my wife bought me a day a London FIelds Brewery for Christmas and that's the only AG brew i've done...

and this is my current cellar...


Here's my current setup (right) and yesterday's delivery; 100ltr boiler (left).

On a campaign of a phased upgrade to a 100ltr nano over the next year or so, spurred on by some of the lovely breweries on this thread.

Next step is to get a 3KW element fitted and some sort of false bottom.

Anyway, must dash. Time to get a brew on!

Well, had a delivery of shiney from Rob at the Malt Miller on Friday. A new HLT and a new Boiler, 100l pots. Superb service from them as always.


HLT has two 2kw electric elements, I usually do overnight mashes, with the sparge water on a timeswitch to be ready in the morning (calculation is 1 element raises 1 gallon by 10C in a 90 seconds).

Boiler is 7.5kw gas - we'll see how this does next weekend in its inaugural brew.

Rest of brewery stays the same for the time being, however 70l thermopot is on the things to get next list. Here's the electrics...


On the right are two STC1000s, for controlling the heat to the FVs. I use thermal trace cable wrapped round the FV with aluminium bubble wrap on top. The trace cable is about 30 or 40W (I have 3 of different lengths). The 2 FVs have just had their cable/wrap removed for week 2 as they have just reached FG. Switches at the bottom control the 12v supply (2 LED transformers) to the pumps (you can see one at the bottom of first photo).

There's another STC1000 in the middle of the main panel - this is fused at 10A and used to power my previous HLT. I'll probably use it for one of the elements in the new one.

Yellow thing on top is a pH meter, very handy ebay purchase. Yellow gun to the left is my laser thermometer. Crap, don't bother.

Thinking I need a fridge as well now, so can clear more quickly during the warmer months.
This is some of what I am at present using but am in the process of upgrading the whole shooting match. I have built am extension to my shed and am using part of the existing shed also for a fermenting room to keep temperatures right. When I get time I'll put some photy's of my new brew rooms.

some of my brew.

For the Mash I use a converted Coleman coolbox.
Hi Men,
Well this little brew magic is Beerspotters recipe development machine,anyone
Brewed on one of these sabcos before ?
Let me know if you have experienced a brew session on a sabco brew magic.
Best Leon.


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