I like your style Dutto!:bow:
Looks great, and there's nothing like a wheat beer for breakfastMy best wheat beer yet. I call her Schnee WeizenView attachment 13042
With some good Weisswurst of courseLooks great, and there's nothing like a wheat beer for breakfast
............... Sure beats the hell outta me pound stretcher boxes in my leaky roofed shed!
Love that storage set up dutto. Unfortunately I have 2x 5year olds who take up every square inch of space in the house and garage.
Er ... the 8 x 10 shed that I had to put up to release the space in the garage is still a subject of contention with SWMBO!
Apparently, I should be brewing in the shed and not muttering about moving her Washing Machine, Dryer and Freezer out of our garage!
NB Most married men will recognise the phrase "our" as used by their wives. It was my garage until SWMBO wanted somewhere to place a Freezer, a Washing Machine and a Dryer. At this point it became "our" garage for some reason! :wave:
Just to cheer you up, after the first eighteen years things can get better as, with a bit of luck and persuasion, they will leave home!
There then follows a halcyon period of time when you have a "Child Free" existence before the little buggers come back with their own kids and say "Can they stay with you for a bit Grandad?"
It helps your defence if you didn't foist them on your own parents for a bit of peace and quite, but if you did then I'm afraid you are doomed to look back on those halcyon times with fond memories of what life could have been like if only you had kept it in your pants!
Cynical? Me? Oh yes!! :thumb::thumb:
Let us know how the sprayer PB tests go @Dutto . This is really something is be interested in doing.
Here's hoping that you stick around long enough to enjoy a pint with him! :bow:
Very crisp looking with a good carb level.
Now I'm thirsty