I have a few things I need to buy, but I can't find a shop that carries all of them. I've tried all of our sponsors, the homebrew shop, hop & grape, brouwland, piwodziej.pl, hobbybrauerversand.de, and holzeis. Does anyone else have any other ideas for places I should check?
I need:
Star San
UNcrushed Melanoidin malt
Potassium metabisulfite (Kmeta)
Potassium sorbate (sorbate)
Sparkolloid or some alternative finning
corn sugar
But I can't even find a shop that has both of the first two items. I hope I don't have to pay shipping twice.
I need:
Star San
UNcrushed Melanoidin malt
Potassium metabisulfite (Kmeta)
Potassium sorbate (sorbate)
Sparkolloid or some alternative finning
corn sugar
But I can't even find a shop that has both of the first two items. I hope I don't have to pay shipping twice.