Sheffield Home Brew Club

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It's been suggested that the brew club bi-monthly challenges could be run as a blind tasting. It could work but I'm not sure exactly how.
Given that it's a fairly small group & without a seperate panel of judges I'm not sure how 'blind' it could be.
Would it take the fun out of brew club or add to it for you?
Would you still want some feedback on the beer(s) you've brought?
Would it be simpler to have a vote at the end, anonymous or otherwise?
What's people's views on this?
Next Shef brewclub meeting Thursday 21st March at The Sheffield Tap, starting 7:30pm.
It's the stout challenge, so bring one along if you've got one brewed.
Next Shef brewclub meeting Thursday 21st March at The Sheffield Tap, starting 7:30pm.
It's the stout challenge, so bring one along if you've got one brewed.

I'm hoping to make it. I do have some milk stout in the cellar, but it's DIRE (too sweet) - that's why it's over a year old now. It was pretty much my first brew. Hope you don't mind me sitting out the challenge ;-)
I'm hoping to make it. I do have some milk stout in the cellar, but it's DIRE (too sweet) - that's why it's over a year old now. It was pretty much my first brew. Hope you don't mind me sitting out the challenge ;-)
Hope you can make it and you bring your stout. I for one would love a taste and the more beer the merrier! :beer1:
I wouldn't want anyone to be put off by the idea of these bi-monthly challenges. Myself and Nathan just entered a homebrew comp and the feedback from the judges was pretty brutal! And I don't think anyone is looking for criticism of their homebrew, helpful feedback though maybe...
At this early stage of the club I don't think the brew challenge is something we want to make too complicated or off-putting. If anything it's going to be a process of working up to a way we, along with someone from the Shef Tap, might go about picking out a recipe to brew on their kit.
We could just pour the beer (get drunk) and simply state our preference at the end of the evening or have some kind of blind tasting, e.g. pour our beers into pint glasses numbered on the bottom, which are then mixed up, thus making it anonymous til the end.
I guess we'll all have to have a chat on the day about what we want to do...
Great turnout for last night’s Sheffield homebrew club, cheers to all those that made it. An awesome selection of beers was assembled for the stout challenge, with everything from chipotle, mango, breakfast, toasted oats+coconut and a few imperial stouts!
May’s brew challenge we decided was a Euro hopped beer, so any style as long as it has European hops in it. We decided British hops are, unfortunately, out of the equation for this particular challenge, we’ll save those for another time.
Thinking well ahead, and with summer on the horizon, the idea was put forward to brew a Saison for July’s brew challenge, using foraged ingredients/adjuncts to add a bit of a twist.
Next brewclub meeting is Thursday 18th April.
Argh, sorry to miss out. Some last minute disasters conspired (only just sorted now) to keep me away again. Next month clashes with Hartcliff Hill fell race but if I can get back in time, I'll be there.
Next Shef brewclub meeting Thursday 18th April at The Sheffield Tap, starting 7:30pm.
If you've got any homebrew bring some along and join us!
Next Shef brewclub meeting is Thursday 16th May at The Sheffield Tap, starting 7:30pm.
It's the EU hopped beer challenge but any & all styles of homebrew are welcome!
BrewCon Leeds. I don’t know if we are too late now but Thornbridge Brewery have given a positive to being partnered with our group for the competition. Let me know if we’re still on and I will arrange a meeting with them to progress things
Hi Neil. Many thanks for organising that. The entry date for the Brew Con competition is Sunday, so we're cutting it a bit fine.
We need to decide on a recipe 1st though, maybe something fairly straightforward without a vast amount of hops or other adjuncts like a pale ale or saison?
Hi everyone,

Excited to hear the home brew comp is game on, and big thanks to Neil for sorting this out. I'm happy to go with any kind of beer style , but really like the idea of a Saison. Its a good time of year to brew this style (for summer drinking), and it's a great blank canvas to add different hops/herbs/fruits etc.

I also think it would be a good opportunity to pick a pro-brewers brains about recipe/ingredients/process etc, in the run up to our Saison challenge in July.

Just had a look on the Brew Con website, and it looks like all we need for tomorrow's deadline entry is Club Name, Location, and Commercial Brewery, but can someone else check this is correct, and that I haven't missed anything ?

Should be a good day out in Leeds, and good fun to brew as a group. Looking forward to it!


Initially they only need to know the name of the club, location & the commercial brewery partner for the competition.
It looks like we send that information by twitter message, so I'll get on to that.
Great, thanks Neil.
I've sent in the details of our entry and received confirmation from the organizers.
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