Scaling recipes

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Active Member
Jun 29, 2012
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Holywood, Co. Down
I've this AG kit to brew. Really don't fancy doing it all in one go. Mostly because I've never done a grain bill that big in my grainfather, and I'm not a huge strong porter fan and don't want it taking up a keg for 6 months. Can I simply half everything and do the second half another time?
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Many of the brewing software apps having scaling functions, but basically a matter of halving everything
It’s a kit so will come with all of the grain in one bag though. There isn’t a problem with halving it but you need to specifically mix the grains before splitting as they will just have been bagged in sequence. The hops will keep fine in the freezer and you can replace the yeast easily if it only comes with one pack.
While I'm getting away from bottling I'd be tempted to brew the lot and bottle half of it til next Christmas. It'll be special at that abv.
Yeah, I've a big bucket that I keep dry to mix grains together before mashing. Good tip re freezing the hops. Cheers.
While I'm getting away from bottling I'd be tempted to brew the lot and bottle half of it til next Christmas. It'll be special at that abv.
That's the other option. Just brew the lot but fill a dozen bottles. I'd maybe scale it back a tad just.
I've this AG kit to brew. Really don't fancy doing it all in one go. Mostly because I've never done a grain bill that big in my grainfather, and I'm not a huge strong porter fan and don't want it taking up a keg for 6 months. Can I simply half everything and do the second half another time?
I don't now what Grainfather you've got, and I've never used one anyway, but at nearly 10Kg of grain, it exceeds the capacity of the G30. I think you're right to want to break it down. Why not process half the grain twice and then add them together in the fermenter. That would solve the problem of trying to get an even split of grains in your mash. Then bottle half of it as has been suggested.

Grainfather G30 Specification:

SIZE: 685 x 386mm (27 x 15’’)
WEIGHT: 14.6kg (32lb)
BATCH VOLUME: Max: 25L (7 US Gal) , Min: 10L (3 US Gal)
GRAIN BILL: Max: 8kg (18lb)* , Min: 1.5kg (3.3lb) , *9kg (20lb) with top plate

POWER: NZ, AU, EU, UK, US: 2000W, 220V

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