An Ankoù
I put a couple of litres of water, enough to cover the tap nut and threads and then add a couple of good glugs of thin bleach. I don't bother measuring it as it's cheap as chips. I then put the lid on and swirl and invert and do this a few times. Next day pour and rinse and a litre of water with a scant half teaspoon of MBS and swirl. Neutralisation of the chlorine is immediate, but I store the fermenter with the solution to keep it sweet.what ratio of bleach: L of water do you use? Likewise what ratio of Metabisulphite : water do you use?
also how long do you ;et it soak in Metabisulphate ?
Before the bleach, go over the tap threads and inside the tap with an old toothbrush. Let clean water run through the tap to get any gunk out.
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