Rose hip wine

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Very true.
But as for people becoming millionaires sad to say i am not one

winemaking is a bit of an adventure which after all rocks in its own right

When I started getting my kit together over the summer, I bought a heat belt, but a mat looks far more useful - I couldn't get the belt to stick to the side of the bucket.
I use a thermostatic aquarium heater. I have an extra large FV as a water bath. It will hold a 25litre FV or two demijohns.
Racked it off into the demijohn - suspect this will be a wine that I'll chalk down to experience and learn from.

When I put the sugar in, I tried to be clever and put the hydrometer into the bucket, rather than take out the fluid. I ended up with an SG of 1.078, chucked the yeast in and left it to ferment for a while.

It definitely fermented - I found some evidence of froth on the lid of my bucket, and it smelt strongly of fermentation. However, when I checked the SG, it was... 1.078.

I racked it off and discovered a ton of sugar at the bottom, so who knows what the ABV is going to be. Fortunately, it's fermenting away happily in the DJ and it's a great colour, so I'm hoping it'll end up drinkable.

Definitely need a properly long ladle though. I don't have anything deep enough to hit the bottom of the bucket at the moment.
If in future you make a syrup and add the sugar in this form you can avoid this happening.
About 2kg of granulated in a gallon can be a real pig to dissolve if the wine to be is at room temp.

Still not too late to add more sugar by decanting and stirring (Add the sugar in SMALL regular doses.)

Stop when the fermentation slows to a crawl.
Done right you can actually end up with a much higher than normal alcohol content.
But in this case just be satisfied with getting the original quantity of sugar in.. Would be my advice.
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