Right time for Hydrometer readings.

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Active Member
Nov 30, 2010
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Hi folks
I was just wondering when the proper time is to do the Hydrometer readings before fermentation and after and does adding finings change the reading or can you do a final reading with your first proper pint?
Hi Glynn,

You would normally take a hydrometer reading just before you put the yeast in and I think the general rule of thumb would be seven days after that for your second reading. In general the only other time you would check earlier would be if you thought your fermentation was stuck.

Hope that helps :thumb: :cheers:
when i used to do kits i would take a reading just before pitching yeast but with AG i take a reading from the sparged wort before and after boiling ive always done it that way. Then i take a reading 4 days in to fermentation then again after a week.