Recipe Inspirations

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New Member
Apr 1, 2009
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Brisbane Australia
G'day (yes I'm an Aussie sorry for that but you guys sent me here :lol: )

Anyway down here in the southern bowels of the earth we get very limited selections of English Ales. However something I have only recently tried has taken my fancy is "Old Speckled Hen". Now it may not be your cup of tea and if you have any better suggestion then I am all ears but I was wondering if anyone might by chance have an AG recipe along these lines that I could brew?
Any help would be fantastic.


Chappo :cheers:
There's a recipe for this in Graham Wheelers book, Brew your own British real ale. I'll PM you the ingredients.
Hi Chappo fancy bumping into you here :D. I've bought a copy of that book online and it's a great all grain brewing primer, quite apart from the recipes. You can get it from the Book Depository UK and it's free delivery worldwide, about thirty bucks our money and it only took about four working days to arrive.

If you use Halcyon ale malt and the Challenger (both in stock at Ross's) as suggested you should hit it fairly spot on with a ninety minute mash, ninety minute boil and hops for ninety not sixty minutes.

Know what, I've got all the gear already and was going to dough in a Wadworth 6x today but might do the Hen instead but with Maris Otter :hmm:

Happy brewing..
Parva and Vossy thank you for your help very appreciated. Vossy I have never tried it and unfortunately I don't think is't available here in the colonies :cry: (hehe can't help myself)

Bribie? Could you bring said book to next BABBS (Brisbane Amature Beer Brewers) meeting? I might have a quick scroll thru if you wouldn't mind. I hate buying book unssen as I find I get disappointed if the content is not what I was expecting.

BTW folks Bribie is an excellent brewer and won last months club mini comp with a BIAB (Brew in A Bag) brew to boot. :thumb:

Keep 'em coming please guys!
chappo said:
Bribie? Could you bring said book to next BABBS (Brisbane Amature Beer Brewers) meeting? I might have a quick scroll thru if you wouldn't mind. I hate buying book unssen as I find I get disappointed if the content is not what I was expecting.

chappo, i have read many homebrew books and can say that this is the only one you need IMO, the info is not to technical and to the point, and makes AG brewing simple, the recipes are first class, you won't be dissapointed.
Aussie-born, living in Canadian with dual citizenship chiming in. Born in Sydney (Paddington), live in Vancouver. As for Brissie, my sister and brother-in-law lived in Chermside West until they moved to the Great White North.

Anyhoo, get the book, it's great. I bought it off of the CAMRA UK website. A bit pricier, but I didn't mind supporting a fine org like CAMRA.

Just made the Timothy Taylor Landlord recipe. Tastes great going into the bottle.
Bribie said:
Know what, I've got all the gear already and was going to dough in a Wadworth 6x today but might do the Hen instead but with Maris Otter :hmm:

Happy brewing..

I'd like to know what the 6X is like. Especially as it's awfull nowadays compared to what it used to be like....
MEB said:
Bribie said:
Know what, I've got all the gear already and was going to dough in a Wadworth 6x today but might do the Hen instead but with Maris Otter :hmm:

Happy brewing..

I'd like to know what the 6X is like. Especially as it's awfull nowadays compared to what it used to be like....

Hey that's sad. I lived in Cardiff when I was in my 20s and with my Welsh Wife we went over to Oxford for a Wedding one weekend. I didn't really appreciate beer and thought that the Brains Beer in Cardiff was total swill and honestly couldn't believe that people actually drank it.
On the way home on the Sunday evening we stopped at a pub on the old A4 somewhere in Wiltshire and I ordered a pint of 6x I took a couple of sips and (I'm 60 now) and to this day I can taste it. I was almost in tears and in a half a second I was converted to the dark side of beer :evil: The malt, the hop finish, man I lost my virginity that evening. I discovered a pub in Newport that sold 6x and would actually cycle over there 20 miles and weave 20 miles back :P And next pint of Brains SA I had, it was also nectar. My beer gland had been switched on.

I've done the 6x on Maris Otter as well, don't know if that's a suitable choice but will report in due course :cheers: