Quick starter or pitch on old yeast cake?

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The beer fermented fine with the harvested Nottingham. Went off like a rocket and the beer tastes really good.

I kegged my Verdant IPA last night. I left the fermentor sealed overnight and I have just taken half a pint of the slurry and stored in a sanitised glass with tin foil on top.

I have a mosaic amber ale (vacant gesture) brewing now, plan is to re pitch this slurry into this beer.

The slurry is quite green due to the dry hop in my verdant IPA ( 65g each mosaic and centennial). I presume this shouldn’t be an issue pitching into the next beer, as this is dry hopped with 65g of mosaic? I’d be interested to hear anyone’s thoughts on this please?

If it’s a big no no I have some M44 to use instead.

If you can make 1.5 litres with it then yes, you would need 1.5litres water to 150grams DME and then you would use 1 litre and save 0.5 litre
I tried with the yeast starter calculator and it does not seem that it can be done with 1 litre.
However you could make it in a sanitised plastic bottle and shake it well and regularly

Will be brewing again on Saturday (tropical pale ale) and have two options , either pitching on yeast cake of an English ipa (wlp007) or using a fresh london fog. If I go for london fog I will have a go and overbuilding the starter. Logic being if my plan is to pitch on trub but I never do I am not saving any money so may as overbuild

ive made a starter last two brews and didnt create to much with 1 litre so am wondering if 1.5 litre will be enough To have any spare, I should maybe invest in a 5 litre flask.
can I also confirm if It’s ok to start with two litres for example? What circumstances do you need to do build it steps rather than one bigger one from the off?
What OG and batch size are you brewing and what date is on the yeast(manufacture or use by)?
For a standard brew of 23L with OG of 1.040 then 1.5L should do it, shake it up, save 0.5L and pour off the wort and pitch the 1 litre. Much more than 1.040 and you may need to build it up
More likely to be nearer 1050, 18 or 19 litres. Yeast best before 1august so am guessing about 10 weeks if it a 6 month shelf life.
With 19 litres at 1.050 and yeast production date of 1st Feb you can do a 1 step 2 litre starter with 200grams DME. Pitch 1.5 and save 0.5
I have repiched directly onto the trub and the Oatmeal Stout I was fermenting turned out fine, it did go crazy within 24 hrs and the temp rose to 24.5 degrees from the yeast activity. It was down to FG within 48 hrs, nice pint too.
I was going to top crop and trub wash too, but from reading this thread I will just bottle a third of the trub, freeze the rest into ice cube trays and use them as yeast nutrition at the end of the boil and see how things go.
One Dr on YouTube reused the same trub/fermemtasaotus for 20 brews before he had a problem, I was worried about not cleaning between two brews!