Brewed yesterday, used rice hulls, stirred the hell out of it when mashing in and gave it another stir halfway through. Difference was night and day. Could have the pump turned almost all the way up and the sparge was done in about 10 minutes. My usual mash efficiency is about 60-70% but this was 80% so I think this is the way forward for me.A more fluid mash and stirring for 15 to 20 minutes for starch conversion to be complete helps. Otherwise any hulls will do, be it rice or oat. Just be aware all the cereal grains, rice especially are sprayed with fungicide pesticide and finally weed killer before they are harvested.
Before they can be used in animal feed they have to be washed, in some countries even use as chicken litter they have to be washed. So it is best to wash them before putting them into your mash.