Question during Kegging

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Active Member
May 19, 2009
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Hi Guys,

Have just had a thought here, Ive been leaving my FV's in the spare room upstairs and then when they are ready for kegging carrying them down stairs. Would this be mixing up the yeast to much and would i be better to leave them and keg them upstairs.

Secondly if i do have yeast in the kegs, how can i get rid of the yeast i have already added sugar into the kegs at time of kegging. is there a way to drain the beer out using the tap on the keg or would the gas now just screw that up have i went too far now and just gulp it all down.

Cheers.....G :drunk:
Gerry some yeast is necessary and in fact beneficial when kegging :thumb:
It is necessary to turn the priming sugars into CO2 to bring the beer into condition :thumb:
It is beneficial as it will scavenge any Oxygen that may have been introduced during kegging that could lead to oxidation :thumb:
You do though only need a very small amount of yeast so you would be better to keg in situ rather than risk mixing a lot of yeast into suspension.
Hi TS,

Cheers mate think I'll keg insitue as you say stop too much yeast getting into the keg.

Hi again, :?:

Yep another question, regarding using the yeast cake would it be better to syphon the wort into the FV as not to mix up the yeast or would it matter. Is it better to drop it in from a hight as to oxy the mixture. or would be better to oxy the wort in a diffrent FV then syphon into the old FV with the cake on bottom. Just wondering as it would save on yeast....

My new Stout brew is not bubbling as yet with the S04 yeast in it. I did hydrate but still nothing check in the morning.

Cheers...G :hmm:
Keep asking Gerry :thumb:
If you want to drop another brew onto the yeast cake, there is no real need for massive aeration. Aeration is used to give the yeast chance to multiply and give a quick clean fermentation, as there is already a healthy amount of yeast this step isn't really necessary.
It is a good idea to mix the yeast cake up to get into suspension though :thumb:
Don't worry about the SO4 in your stout, it'll be trying to escape from the FV before you know it :lol:
Hi Guys,

I have just found out the reason why im not seeing any activity ie Bubbles. I was puzzled why the kit yeast was not giving a good reaction and desided to buy S04 yeast as i thought the kit yeast was the problem.

Anyway i have found that the certain FV i was using is not sealing airtight as the new brew i done i could see that the yeast has really kicked in but all that night i never seen the airlock bubble once in that 9 hour period, regardless the fact that the FV has a sever yeast reaction.

I simply pushed down on the lid and heard the gas escape out the side, ill need to get another FV or see what the story is about a replacement if any....

Cheers......G :x
Hi Guys,

Spoke to the supplier and he's agreed to send me a new FV, Good old chap I say. Well since he was sending me one i decided to order another brew may as well since it would be sitting doing nothing lol.......G

Havent looked at the stout today I'll leave it be and check tomorrow. My Harvest Pilstner is down to 1010 from 1035 but its only been in there since Sunday so I'll leave it till sunday as im in no mad rush now due to the fact I have Muntuns gold in keg since sunday also. I intend to,,,,Have at it on Friday nite. Only problem is I aint got a fridge for the keg, been trying to find one second hand lol, not much luck.

If im stuck can I take some out of the keg and bottle then stack in fridge on thursday nite for friday nite, or would this just feck up the beer totally......

I know i should leave as is probly until the keg was in the fridge but im kinda stuck here....LOL

Cheers ........G
I've got a dedicated fridge for putting my king keg in - but seeing as I usually have two kegs on the go, one had to miss out...

That was until I experimented with filling a 2-litre PET bottle straight from the non-fridge keg, and putting that in the fridge. But I fitted the bottle with one of the fizz-keeper tops (readily available from supermarkets - they screw onto the top of your PET bottle, and you pump them a few times till pressure builds up).

It did the job for me - hope it helps you too :pray: :thumb:
Hi All,

Well I am now the proud owner of 50 recycled Guiness pint bottles and 20 miller bottles. Although I will probly throw away the miller I am going to keep the Guiness one. I have also another 3 crates ot Guiness ones to collect tomorrow smashing.......

And to add to the good news I will be collecting a used counter sized fridge for my kegs, Nice one I must say. Been a very interesting day so far.

Checked my beer also and bummer wont be ready this week after all so will need to wait another week before I can sup my wares..........G