Keep us updated on this thread please mate he interested to see his response
Spoke to John Ritchie again today , and for the record he couldnt be more helpful, Hes enthusiastic about his work and products and this comes over in his attitude . The analysis of the sample i sent him came back. The Problem was containing acetate and fusel alcohols. There conclusion was it was caused by Yeast quality and or fermenting above 26c. The sample i sent was fermented between 20 -22c . Hes asked me to do another test kit . Without knowing the batch number its hard to trace back to that batch of yeast. He also mentioned that there kits contain Individual yeast strains. Tailored to suit the style of beer. So its not a generic strain like some use . Any way hes going to be looking into yeast quality and we will be speaking again in a couple of weeks , In the Mean time please any and all comments on these Kits will be welcome.:thumb: