Priti Patel

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
I best not say what i think of her i would have to ban myself. (see pic at bottom)

Here are some tweets on the subject -
  • We create the refugees and ask others to clean up our mess is the truth.
  • That’s the same country whose government prevented parents travelling with their children on the kindertransport, who made charities pay for it and then sought to deport the children afterwards.
  • We used to help refugees, but now we’d prefer it if others did.
  • The ironimeter is spinning round so hard the hands have flown off
  • It’s the “… but other countries must do more.” Perfect justification for ours doing less? Well, at least that’s what we’re meant to think [not thinking].
  • Other countries already do more
  • Indeed. Pakistan have taken 1m + refugees. A mess we created.
  • Double the number we originally thought possible" = the Army ignored us and tried to get as many people out as they could
  • and by "thought possible" they mean a number low enough to sell to the UK public, what was thought to be politically possible.
  • She can really bugger off with that thread. “We have a proud history of helping others, which I’ve decided to trash.”
  • Since Feb 2020 when Trump announced full withdrawal of troops to take place within 14 months as per deal with Taliban, what have you done
    @pritipatel to avoid the emergency scrabble that has occurred in terms of preparation. Hung our armed forces and supporters out to dry agai

"We created the refugee's" & "A mess we created. "
How do you come to that ?????

At the turn of the century Afghanistan were training terrorists to attack the west (see 9/11) It needed to be stopped, and for our own security we joined the US to put an end to the terror attacks on our countries. We done the right thing!

Possibly a mistake in hind sight but we stayed on after we removed the threat and tried our very best to rebuild their country. But even after a trillion plus dollars of aid it became apparent we were wasting our time - we were proved right on this as the moment we started to pull back the security forces that we spared no expense arming and training either gave or sold or their weapons to the Taliban.

Our military has done well, they have reduced and protected us and the west from terror attacks for the past 20 years, but we can't go on protecting the rest of the EU at our own expense indefinitely, Can Spain , Italy, Switzerland and Germany not take their turn now? Lets be proud of what we have tried so hard to achieve. A great pity other western economies could not have shared our burden

As to 'Pretty' (well named) I'm not sure why you are criticising her. She was elected and made minister in a GOV that we overwhelmingly voted into office on a mandate to reduce immigration, collectively as a nation that was our wish. If she is failing in any way it is because she is still letting too many in. (and BTW she became home Secretary 2 years after your chart).

Out of curiosity, out of the 30+ million Afghans who liked what we were doing for them and now would like to come and live here - how many do you think we can take in ? 10million ?
This is Patel the tobacco lobbyist we're talking about, is it? self-interested piece of baggage who has, somehow, managed to sink even lower in the role of Home Secretary. Aren't we lucky to have her, Rabid Raab, Bojo, Gove, Lord Snooty Rees-Mogg and his pals et al? But Patel represents a mother lode of pure evil apart from any reference to her cronies. Some of you might have noticed that I'm not naturally inclined towards Conservatism, but I think things might have been a whole lot better if Rory Stewart had won the last leadership race.
@Hopperty You really, really, really should have gone to Specsavers!
"We created the refugee's" & "A mess we created. "
How do you come to that ?????

At the turn of the century Afghanistan were training terrorists to attack the west (see 9/11) It needed to be stopped, and for our own security we joined the US to put an end to the terror attacks on our countries. We done the right thing!

Possibly a mistake in hind sight but we stayed on after we removed the threat and tried our very best to rebuild their country. But even after a trillion plus dollars of aid it became apparent we were wasting our time - we were proved right on this as the moment we started to pull back the security forces that we spared no expense arming and training either gave or sold or their weapons to the Taliban.

Our military has done well, they have reduced and protected us and the west from terror attacks for the past 20 years, but we can't go on protecting the rest of the EU at our own expense indefinitely, Can Spain , Italy, Switzerland and Germany not take their turn now? Lets be proud of what we have tried so hard to achieve. A great pity other western economies could not have shared our burden

As to 'Pretty' (well named) I'm not sure why you are criticising her. She was elected and made minister in a GOV that we overwhelmingly voted into office on a mandate to reduce immigration, collectively as a nation that was our wish. If she is failing in any way it is because she is still letting too many in. (and BTW she became home Secretary 2 years after your chart).

Out of curiosity, out of the 30+ million Afghans who liked what we were doing for them and now would like to come and live here - how many do you think we can take in ? 10million ?

@Hopperty your knowledge of the history of the region is rather flawed. To address some of your points (quickly):

- Afghanistan has been a proxy battleground for centuries due to its location. Many countries including the UK/Britain/England have tried to conquer Afghanistan and failed, so yes, we are part of the problem. The west have promised Afghans much, but delivered so little. Much like the Kurds believed promises made to pretect them from Sadam Hussein and the Syrian regime in return for help, only to be ignored when they needed it.

- The west armed the Taliban as they were fighting the Soviets after the USSR invaded.

- Spain , Italy, Switzerland and Germany have all sent troops to Afghanistan (Switzerland in a peacekeeping capacity as they are neutral when it comes to war).

- If you're asking why those countries don't take refugees, they do. Lots.

- Patel is 'letting too many in'. How many is she letting in and how many is too many? What criteria do you propose is used?
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Good work @Chippy_Tea although Pakistan have taken in massive numbers of refugees, they have as much blood on their hands as the rest of the world as they've supported the Taliban financially, materially and with military advisors.
As to 'Pretty' (well named) I'm not sure why you are criticising her.

I cannot be doing with the woman.

Priti Patel bullying allegations: What were the claims against the home secretary? Priti Patel bullying allegations: What were the claims against the home secretary? | Politics News | Sky News

There were also claims about Ms Patel's behaviour towards staff during her later spell as international development secretary.
Ms Patel was previously accused of breaching the ministerial code in 2017, when she failed to declare meetings she held with politicians in Israel.
That saw her forced to resign as international development secretary by former prime minister Theresa May.

Napier barracks: Priti Patel accused of misleading MPs Napier barracks: Priti Patel accused of misleading MPs | Priti Patel | The Guardian

Covid contracts: Priti Patel accused of lobbying for face mask firm Covid contracts: Priti Patel accused of lobbying for face mask firm - BBC News
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how many do you think we can take in ? 10million ?

Don't be ridiculous.

We have 100 major cities and town and many big town not listed below i am sure we could easily have taken more than the 5,000 announced below.

100 Largest Cities and Towns in the UK by Population | The Geographist

LONDON, (Reuters) - Britain on Tuesday announced plans to welcome up to 5,000 Afghans fleeing the Taliban during the first year of a new resettlement programme that will prioritise women, girls and religious and other minorities.
There must be "something more" in Afghanistan that everyone wants...
Gold,a rare mineral commodity,opium...
From what I understand, there nothing *in* Afghanistan that anyone particularly wants, it's just that geographically and strategically, it would be very useful to control it.
I remember when we had the boat people. We were paid to accommodate one of them, not an excessive amount, and there was a big camp built nearby at Sopley in the New Forest. The whole thing seemed much nicer then and there was a genuine concern for their welfare.
Two questions:
Does anybody know how many we took in?
Where are they now and are they a burden on the state?
Does anybody know how many we took in?
Where are they now and are they a burden on the state?

I dont have an answer but you jogged my memory.

Does anyone remember the Kosovan crisis, many ended up in our small town and were welcomed they then moved on to the next big town where they found work and as far as i know many stayed here, i certainly don't remember any stories about them being forced to go back.

The UK is preparing for the arrival of thousands of Kosovans, as Home Office officials travel to Macedonia to organise the airlift of refugees.

Eventually, Home Secretary Jack Straw told the Commons on Wednesday, one plane would be arriving every day to help relieve pressure on the camps on the northern border of the former Yugoslav republic.

Two plane-loads, each holding about 160 people, could arrive at Prestwick airport, in Ayrshire, Scotland, on Sunday, with flights building up until a weekly total of about 1000 refugees is reached.

The warmth of the reception given to the first plane-load of refugees, which arrived in Leeds last month, has encouraged the government to increase the numbers taken.

Local authorities are drawing on whatever accommodation they can find in the short term, while plans are drawn up to provide shelter if the crisis drags on into the coming months.

The Refugee Council, which has been organising housing for the 330 that have arrived in the UK so far, is drawing on contingency plans compiled with local councils in the early days of the conflict.

These included housing refugees in former old people's homes, disused hospitals and schools, prisons and even a disused holiday camp in Morecambe, Lancashire.

In Sheffield, council workmen are refurbishing a disused school to provide temporary accomodation for up to 80 refugees.

The council's chief executive Bob Kerslake said the response from across the city had been "positive and understanding".

He said: "Inevitably there will be some demands on council services, but we do see it as a moral responsibilty for the city to play its part in what is a humanitarian crisis."

The Prison Service said it may be able to offer several thousand places.

Focus on the vulnerable

The UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) says Kosovo Albabians in Macedonia will be chosen, on a volunteer basis, to come to the UK if they have family connections but priority will be given to the vulnerable.

"We are focusing primarily on those who cannot support life in the grossly overcrowded camps - people with special needs, children, the elderly, households headed by females with no support", said Lyndall Sachs, UNHCR spokeswoman in London.

Those arriving would be offered one year's exceptional leave to remain and would be entitled to claim all benefits.

They will also be allowed to apply for full refugee status and seek work while in the UK.

But Home Office Minister Michael O'Brien was keen to stress that the UK is providing "temporary refuge" and that its ultimate aim was to ensure the safe return of Kosovans to their homeland.

"The objective of our policy is to assist as much as we can Kosovans who want to remain in the region - that's most of them - but also to welcome those who want to come to Britain for temporary refuge until they can return home," he told the BBC's One O'Clock News.

Anger over Asylum Bill

While the incoming refugees from Kosovo are granted special refugee status, the government has defended the Asylum and Immigration Bill currently under discussion by a committee of MPs.

Nick Hardwick, from the Refugee Council, said in the light of the worst refugee crisis since the war the government would be foolhardy to press ahead with the legislation and a growing number of Labour MPs share his concerns.

But the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, told a news conference the new system was more effective, fairer and would ensure genuine refugees were processed more quickly.

He said the current system was a mess with a huge backlog of cases stacked up and some applicants waiting years to be processed.
From what I understand, there nothing *in* Afghanistan that anyone particularly wants, it's just that geographically and strategically, it would be very useful to control it.
Hmm. It's got the most gold...and lots of opium...I'm thinking a rare mineral also that either goes in computer chips or weapons...
Hmm. It's got the most gold...and lots of opium...I'm thinking a rare mineral also that either goes in computer chips or weapons...
Afghanistan has massive, untapped mineral resources, but no more than Pakistan or, for that matter, Australia.
@Hopperty your knowledge of the history of the region is rather flawed. To address some of your points (quickly):

- Afghanistan has been a proxy battleground for centuries due to its location. Many countries including the UK/Britain/England have tried to conquer Afghanistan and failed, so yes, we are part of the problem. The west have promised Afghans much, but delivered so little. Much like the Kurds believed promises made to pretect them from Sadam Hussein and the Syrian regime in return for help, only to be ignored when they needed it.

- The west armed the Taliban as they were fighting the Soviets after the USSR invaded.

- Spain , Italy, Switzerland and Germany have all sent troops to Afghanistan (Switzerland in a peacekeeping capacity as they are neutral when it comes to war).

- If you're asking why those countries don't take refugees, they do. Lots.

- Patel is 'letting too many in'. How many is she letting in and how many is too many? What criteria do you propose is used?
LOL - I forgot we have to be interminably apologetic for empire and what we did many hundreds of years ago! But surely if we going into deep history to apportion blame then why isn't atialla the hun amongst many others also getting the blame? The current crisis began in early 2000s with terrorists being trained in Afghanistan to attack the west and had nothing whatsoever to do with stuff that happened back in the early 1800s. If they had not been doing that then we would never have went in. Our mistake was to stay and try to bring a better life. So what do we do in five years time if the terror camps start again ? you clearly think we got it wrong this time so how would you handle it the next?

The Russian occupation had nothing to do with this conflict.

Never said those countries didn't have boots on the ground, but asked why they don't go in now and take over bringing peace and a beter life for the Afghans.

I never asked that question.

I don't think Pretty has ever tried to stop genuine refugees and would appear to have done well helping Afghans . But she is falling short on her promises to reduce illegal immigration.
Our mistake was to stay and try to bring a better life.

Well we certainly did bring a better life for many especially the women, I doubt many of us didn't expect the taliban to take over the moment we left but we couldn't stay indefinitely, what do we do now?
Yes, what on earth do we do now if the terrorist training camps reopen in a few years time?.

I think it is Chinas turn next, it would fit in well with their plans of a new Silk Route to the west (Belt & Road as it is now known) not to mention the possibilities of what could be one of the worlds biggest reserves of Lithium anywhere on the planet. China will have their greedy eyes on that!

I doubt the Taliban or whatever tribal force rises to the surface in Afghanistan will tolerate Chinese rule - its been a graveyard for many an empire, they're not a country to be ruled by outsiders

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