Priti Patel

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The Russian occupation had nothing to do with this conflict.

Never said those countries didn't have boots on the ground, but asked why they don't go in now and take over bringing peace and a beter life for the Afghans.

I don't think Pretty has ever tried to stop genuine refugees and would appear to have done well helping Afghans . But she is falling short on her promises to reduce illegal immigration.

You haven't listened. The west armed the Taliban to fight against the USSR because it didn't want the USSR to contol Afghaistan.

The countries you mentioned HAVE ALREADY been part of a peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.

And if you're such a fan of Patel, you might at least spell her name correctly.
Don't be fooled by my nickname, I'm at least as much of a Briton like Priti Patel or Savid Javid. It's not the first and not the last time UK let down other nations and served them on silver plate for the enemy, see 1956 Hungary...
Our military has done well, they have reduced and protected us and the west from terror attacks for the past 20 years, but we can't go on protecting the rest of the EU at our own expense indefinitely, Can Spain , Italy, Switzerland and Germany not take their turn now? Lets be proud of what we have tried so hard to achieve. A great pity other western economies could not have shared our burden

Switzerland is a neutral country. Except by accident (crossing a border with a tank by mistake) Switzerland has not participated in a war, nor invaded another country, since 1815.

In fact, they set up a Cooperation Office in Afghanistan to help with humanitarian aid and gave +/- USD 30 million (not sure if this was annually or in total, I would hope annually)

Obviously, they left when the Taliban took over (middle of August, if I recall correctly).

So, considering it's a country of 7 million people, 2.1 million of which are foreigners, I think they did (and are doing) their part.
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I think it is Chinas turn next, it would fit the possibilities of what could be one of the worlds biggest reserves of Lithium anywhere on the planet. China will have their greedy eyes on that!

I doubt the Taliban or whatever tribal force rises to the surface in Afghanistan will tolerate Chinese rule - its been a graveyard for many an empire, they're not a country to be ruled by outsiders

Why would China be interested in keeping the peace any more than the west who try to give a respectable veneer by installing friendly, moderate leaders? China can simply buy Afghanistan.
Why would China be interested in keeping the peace any more than the west who try to give a respectable veneer by installing friendly, moderate leaders? China can simply buy Afghanistan.

Exactly. Why invade (which costs money) when you can bribe the top officials / pretend to be friends and rape the landscape ? Look at what they are doing in Africa to feed their population back home.
You haven't listened. The west armed the Taliban to fight against the USSR because it didn't want the USSR to contol Afghaistan.
You seem clueless; The Taliban did not pop into existence until the early 1990s - a good few years after the soviets had left, so NO we had not been arming them. I guess you are getting confused with the mujahideen who we did indeed help regain control of their own country. And let us be very clear the mujahideen are no friends of the taliban. See "Amad Massood" and the current resistance to the Taliban currently held up in the Panjshir valley, and by some accounts both we and the US have special forces currently working with them (how times don't change)

But none of this has anything to do with why we went into Afghanistan in 2001, they were waging war against us by proxy of terrorism and we needed to stop it. We have been nothing other than honourable and have done our best to help the people of Afghanstan establish a better society, but sadly it has become clear we are wasting our time, money and lives.

You seem to speak highly of other Europeans having some boots on the ground but have nothing but criticism towards the UK - Why? Without the UK & the US they would probably still be exporting terrorism. I'm very proud to be British

Exactly. Why invade (which costs money) when you can bribe the top officials / pretend to be friends and rape the landscape ? Look at what they are doing in Africa to feed their population back home.
Afghanistan is not Africa, I seriously doubt you could bribe the Taliban with just piles of cash as it appears happens in Africa. The Taliban are very principled and loyal to their ideals (even if we find their ideals abhorrent), I doubt stuffing large amounts of cash into their personal bank accounts would do it.

I'm still convinced China has very envious eyes on Afghanitan for its 'Belt and Road" (the new silk route) as well as the rich Lithium and other mineral reserves. It will be interesting to see how china goes about it, possibly with aid and infrastucture. But once they get their foot in the door they will want to protect and control their assets, and the Taliban / Mujahidean / Norther Alliance or whatever fraction are yet to appear will find it very difficult to cope with foreign interference. The Afghans are a very proud people and in many respects I take my hat of to them.
Afghanistan is not Africa, I seriously doubt you could bribe the Taliban with just piles of cash as it appears happens in Africa. The Taliban are very principled and loyal to their ideals (even if we find their ideals abhorrent), I doubt stuffing large amounts of cash into their personal bank accounts would do it.

I'm still convinced China has very envious eyes on Afghanitan for its 'Belt and Road" (the new silk route) as well as the rich Lithium and other mineral reserves. It will be interesting to see how china goes about it, possibly with aid and infrastucture. But once they get their foot in the door they will want to protect and control their assets, and the Taliban / Mujahidean / Norther Alliance or whatever fraction are yet to appear will find it very difficult to cope with foreign interference. The Afghans are a very proud people and in many respects I take my hat of to them.

Simply because one is religious does not mean one will not accept money. You are assuming that the leaders are "true believers". They may or may not be. They could also simply be power-hungry warlords who are using a religion as a convenient excuse to control the population. This would not be the first time that has happened.

Considering the World Bank stopped financial aid (as did just about every other country in the world) they are likely to be desperate for cash and will bend over backwards to accommodate China especially if China will help prop-up their regime. And China will likely do so simply to spite the West.
Nearer to home
Colin Pitchfork who raped and killed 2 school girls in the 1980's has been released from jail. Why did Priti allow this outrage to happen. Imagine being the parents of those girls.
I have a feeling even though he has aged he wont be hard to spot.

I'm not an advocate of the death penalty but if the crime is so hideous it would have meant a death penalty if we still had one, then the perpetrator should never be released.
With that name, I assumed this was a spoof.

But apparently not...
You seem clueless; The Taliban did not pop into existence until the early 1990s - a good few years after the soviets had left, so NO we had not been arming them. I guess you are getting confused with the mujahideen who we did indeed help regain control of their own country. And let us be very clear the mujahideen are no friends of the taliban. See "Amad Massood" and the current resistance to the Taliban currently held up in the Panjshir valley, and by some accounts both we and the US have special forces currently working with them (how times don't change)

But none of this has anything to do with why we went into Afghanistan in 2001, they were waging war against us by proxy of terrorism and we needed to stop it. We have been nothing other than honourable and have done our best to help the people of Afghanstan establish a better society, but sadly it has become clear we are wasting our time, money and lives.

You seem to speak highly of other Europeans having some boots on the ground but have nothing but criticism towards the UK - Why? Without the UK & the US they would probably still be exporting terrorism. I'm very proud to be British

Afghanistan is not Africa, I seriously doubt you could bribe the Taliban with just piles of cash as it appears happens in Africa. The Taliban are very principled and loyal to their ideals (even if we find their ideals abhorrent), I doubt stuffing large amounts of cash into their personal bank accounts would do it.

I'm still convinced China has very envious eyes on Afghanitan for its 'Belt and Road" (the new silk route) as well as the rich Lithium and other mineral reserves. It will be interesting to see how china goes about it, possibly with aid and infrastucture. But once they get their foot in the door they will want to protect and control their assets, and the Taliban / Mujahidean / Norther Alliance or whatever fraction are yet to appear will find it very difficult to cope with foreign interference. The Afghans are a very proud people and in many respects I take my hat of to them.

@Hopperty I wholeheartedly apologise. It seems I was completely wrong. I could have sworn the Taliban were one of the groups receiveing money from the US directly or via Pakistan. Perhaps the confusion came from the arming of groups friendly with Al Quaeda.

No, I'm not as proud to be British as I used to be (not that I ever really was). When I was growing up, the flag of St George had been highjacked by racists and that was something I didn't want to be a part of. I've no interest in sport, so feel no pride if a national team does well at something.

Many English people seem to confuse patriotism with nationalism (a disease caught from US) where to be proud to be English, also requires you to think England is the greatest nation on earth and to criticise anything or anyone connected with the military makes you a traitor. These people while professing to love the flag would probably go nuts if someone 'foreign' dared to deface it, are happy to do so themselves with the word 'England' or the badge of their favourite football team.

I dispair of what large swathes of the English people have become. Narrow-minded and inward looking, lacking empathy and compassion. Supportive of politicians who don't even pretend to care about them or their lot. That isn't everyone by a long shot, just as I know not all Americans are gun toting, Donald Trump supporting rednecks, but sometimes it certainly seems that way.

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