My 2nd brew (St Peters Ruby Red) has been brewing for 15 days now in the airing cupboard at 22 degrees.
The OG was 1040 and now its been steady at 1010 - 1012 for 3 days so time to move on.
2 questions :
There are some brown lumps on top of the brew, presumably yeast. Do I wait further, stir it or continue to the next stage?
I now have a Wilkos pressure barrel. My current brew is in a brew bucket. Do I decant into the pressure barrel, put back into the airing cupboard for 2 further weeks and then bottle, or just syphon into bottles?
I want to use carbonation drops in each bottle (they worked well lat time), so do not want to dispense from a pressure barrel.
The OG was 1040 and now its been steady at 1010 - 1012 for 3 days so time to move on.
2 questions :
There are some brown lumps on top of the brew, presumably yeast. Do I wait further, stir it or continue to the next stage?
I now have a Wilkos pressure barrel. My current brew is in a brew bucket. Do I decant into the pressure barrel, put back into the airing cupboard for 2 further weeks and then bottle, or just syphon into bottles?
I want to use carbonation drops in each bottle (they worked well lat time), so do not want to dispense from a pressure barrel.