pressing question

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Active Member
Jul 29, 2009
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want to make cider but have no fruit press can i make it without pressing the fruit??
i found a recipie that says to dice the apples ferment the fruit but this dont soun right to me but then what do i know :wha:
If you want to make real cider from apples it is difficult to do so without pressing. . . . I have had some success by freezing sliced / chunked apples for a week or so and then allowing the fruit to thaw. The freezing breaks down the cell walls and makes the juicing process easier. ut even there you are really still having to press . . . Fermenting on the pulp does work for apple wine, but of course you suplliment the fermentables with Grapejuice and sugar

If you have no press then really you are looking at turbo cider, made from cartons of apple juice from the supermarket . . . . It works surprisingly well