Possible pellicle mold?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2015
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Didn't have enough bottles for a wit a month ago or so and ended up racking 4 remaining litres into a DJ. Fastforward to now and I've found the forgotton DJ but it's covered in some rather pretty mold. The DJ did have a bubbler on it so surprised it's happened but may just taste it and go from there. Opinions?

Edit: Seems is was closer to 3 months ago, hah.


To be honest if it was me looking at that I would probably ditch the 4 liters and fill the DJ with very hot water and steraliser
I had that in 23 litres on saison. It turned out great. Made every effort not to get it in the bottle, but with 4l I would bin it
I had that in 23 litres on saison. It turned out great. Made every effort not to get it in the bottle, but with 4l I would bin it

Got the spare bottles so why not experiment? How well did you do not getting it in the bottles? did it reform anyway?