PID problem's

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I'm in the middle of writing a guide on this in the 'how tos' section. It's pretty easy. Crack the thing open, look for the built in relay and desolder it so you can remove it. Then add jumpers so that the 12v feeds that were triggering it now come to the actual outputs of the PID. It's much easier than it sounds - there's a video knocking around on youtube.
Ok its taken me all day but I now have a working HERMS unit! I am so chuffed with myself :grin:

Many thanks to everyone who posted with the very helpful tips, without you all I would have been screwed! Nice job everyone, I LOVE this forum! It rocks! :thumb:
:thumb: nice work.

Out of interest, did you let the PID autotune? How did it perform?

I haven't tried the Autotune yet, but in my test runs it heated up my water in the kettle to 66c and kept it there...when I tested the temp with a seperate thermometer it read I'm happy!

Not sure I quite understand the autotune function to be honest yet though!
the autotune will when set up to run in the conditions you want the pid to work in, vessel size, volume and starting temp and target temp. run through the process of heating up taking much longer than normal measuring the effect of the input given to the heating element. from this it will derive the 3 control parameters that govern how the pid opperates tuning it to your circumstance..

once auto tuned the pid will perform the job you tuned it to with the most efficient use of energy possible according to the pid algorithm. however the efficiency savings per brew will never in my opinion make up for the extra hours the thing is on performing the autotune in the first place

when its an industrial job however with huge energy costs, any saving is worthwhile..